Video Setup Trouble Shooting
If you are trying to start Aces High and having problems such as a D3D or d9dx.dll error, check your computer to make sure you are running DirectX 9.0c or higher. You can use the DXDIAG utility to view and test various aspects of the DirectX system in Windows. To run this, press the "Start" button from the desktop, then select "Run", then type in "DXDIAG", and press the "OK" button.
If you find you need to update DirectX, you can get it from Microsoft's DirectX Center.
If you are trying to start Aces High and having problems such as a white screen, a crash to desktop or the HTC logo with no clipboard, then try deleting the video8.cfg file from your ../HTC/Aces High/settings directory and restarting Aces High.
When you are presented with the Select Video card dialog, select the lowest resolution and try to run the game again. If you are still unable to run Aces High, check your computer to make sure you are running DirectX 9.0c or higher and make sure that your video and sound card drivers are in good working order.
Take note, using the latest video card drivers from ATI or NVidia could cause problems, depending on the video card model.
As a general rule, for NVidia video cards, only use the latest driver from NVidia's WEB site if you have an FX6000 series or higher video card. For all other NVidia (except laptops) video cards, try the 61.77 drivers from NVidia.
For ATI, if you have an X800 series , or higher, video card, then use the latest drivers from ATI's site. For all other ATI cards, try using the 4.12 Catalyst drivers. Also note, you should avoid the installation of the Catalyst Control Center as it will cost your video card about 10% of its performance.
If you are suffering performance issues in the game, then try reducing the texture size, and/or the video resolution.
If you are completely stumped and need some help, you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.