Dot commands are entered into the radio buffer as an alternative to the graphical user interface. They are called "dot" commands because whenever the first character in the chat buffer is a period, or dot, the following characters are interpreted as a command. You can type ".help" in the chat buffer to get a list of all dot commands.
Commands Available Online
Dot Command | Parameter | Action | Example |
accept | GameID |
Accepts GameID into your plane as an observer or as a gunner |
.accept Skuzzy |
cstat | This command displays your country status in the clipboard. | .cstat | |
decline | GameID | Declines a join request from GameID (see .join) | .decline Skuzzy |
p | GameID Text |
Send a private chat message of Text to GameID in whatever arena GameID is currently logged into |
.p Skuzzy Hey man. I'm in lobby |
radio | Number Channel | Tunes a radio chat buffer Number (1 - 5) to Channel. You can see what channel numbers are availabe here | .radio 1 2 |
report | GameID | This command registers a complaint about GameID's text abuse. Abuse of the command itself is not tolerated. | .report sudz |
s | GameID | This command sends a salute to a player. Salutes are commonly used to express a good fight. | .s sudz |
showjoin | 0 or 1 | This command changes the way join requests are presented to you: 0 (zero) = Join requests will be displayed in your message bar. 1 (one) = Join requests wil be displayed using a pop up window. | .showjoin 0 |
sqdaccept | This accepts an invitation to join a squad. | .sqdaccept | |
sqddecline | This declines an invitation to join a squad. | .sqddecline | |
sqddisband | This will delete the squadron (Only available to the squad Commanding Officer) | .sqddisband | |
sqdeject | GameID | Removes GameID from your squad | .sqdeject sudz |
sqdinvite | GameID | Sends an invitation to GameID offering to join your squad. The invitaion will be displayed to GameID the next time he logs into the arenas. | .sqdinvite sudz |
sqdname | SquadName | Changes your current squad's name to SquadName | .sqdname USAA 160th FG |
sqdpermission | GameID Permissions | Gives squad member GameID permissions to do squad action reserved for the CO. See squad permissions | .sqdpermission sudz 2 |
sqdwebpage | WebPageURL | Sets the web address for the squad. | .sqdwebpage |
sqdwithdraw | This command is used to withdraw from a squadron. If the CO executes this command, the squadron is disbanded as well. | .sqdwithdraw | |
squelch | GameID |
This command prevents text from the named GameID from reaching your chat buffer for display. It stays in effect for the entire game session, but once you exit the game it resets.
This command also will prevent the named GamedID from being heard over your VOX channels.
The command can be executed multiple times, so it is possible to squelch multiple game ID's. |
.squelch happy16 |
sr |
Squad Roster - this command is used to display the members of your squad and what arena the are currently flying in. |
.sr | |
unsquelch | GameID or ALL |
This command restores text and voice from the named GameID to your chat buffer for display. Use 'ALL' instead of GameID when you want to reset all players you've squelched. |
.unsquelch ALL |
vreport | GameID |
This command registers a complaint about a persons voice/VOX abuse. Abuse of the command itself is not tolerated. |
.vreport sudz |
vsquelch | GameID |
This command prevents voice from the named GameID from reaching your speakers. It stays in effect for the entire game session, but once you exit the game it resets.
The command can be executed multiple times, so it is possible to vsquelch multiple game ID's. |
.vsquelch sudz |
vunsquelch | GameID |
This command restores voice/VOX communications from the named GameID. |
.vunsquelch sudz |
Commands Available In Flight
Dot Command | Parameters | Action |
Exampl |
ef | End Flight - takes you out of flight and back to the tower. You should be stopped before attempting this. | .ef | |
speed | MPH | Sets your speed between 100 and 400 MPH | .speed 250 |
salvo | DropCount | While dropping bombs, this command will drop DropCount bombs with one press of the fire key. | .salve 5 |
delay | Seconds | Delays the time between individual bomb drops from 0.05 seconds to 1 second |
.delay 0.5 |
Commands Available When Not In Flight
Dot Command | Parameters | Action |
Example |
fly | Launchs you onto the runway in the plane you last selected from the hangar | .fly | |
country | 1, 2, or 3 | Changes your country: 1 = Bishops, 2 = Knights, 3 = Rooks | .country 2 |
move | FieldNumber | Move you to field FieldNumber | .move 72 |
handle | NewGameID | Changes your GameID to NewGameID. Note there is a time limit between changing your handle again. | .handle superSudz |
plane | PlaneNumber | Changes which plane is your current selection. plane 0 (zero) is a P-51D | .plane 10 |
fuel | FuelLoad | Changes the amount of fuel loaded on your plane from 0 to 3 (3 = full) | .fuel 2 |
score | Get your score for the current tour | .score | |
sqdupload | Used by the squad CO to upload nose art. | .sqdupload | |
join | GameID | Sends a request to GameID to join him in his plane as an observer or a gunner | .join Skuzzy |
unjoin | GameID | Detaches you from GameID's plane | .unjoin Skuzzy |
changeid | NewGameID | Changes your GameID to NewGameID. Note there is a time limit between changing your game id again. | .changeid WWSudz |
ord | Group# Loadout# | Changes your ordinance loadout to the Group# and Loadout#. These correspond to the ammunition selection on the floor of the hangar. | .ord 3 1 |
Commands Available During Offline Practice
Dot Command | Parameters | Action | Example |
det | ObjectName CountryNumber | detonates an object, such as a hangar or barrack, and credits its destruction to Country Number. | .det F02BAB000 2 |
restore | ObjectName | restores ObjectName to full health. | .restore F02BAB000 |
save |
[planes|fields|var|obj] (none of these saves all) |
saves arena configurations changed through the Options->Arena Setup menu selections. The configurations include which planes are enable and disabled at which fields (plane), field ownership (field), arena variables (var), and object hardnesses (obj). | .save var |
load |
[planes|fields|var|obj|filter] (none of these loads all) |
loads the arena configurations that were previously set with the .save command. The only additional option is a filter which screens text chat for words found in the badword.txt file. | .load |
vset | VariableName Value | variable set - Sets an arena variable to a value. | .vset MuteTime 700 |
eject | GameID | ejects GameID from the current arena. | .eject happy16 |
time | HH MM Multiplier | Sets the arena time to HH (hours) and MM (minutes). If given, the arena time will flow at Multiplier * realtime to make the time go faster or slower. | .time 13 15 2 |
wind | alt heading speed {rise} | Sets a wind to blow at speed (MPH) in the direction of heading (0 - 360) at altitude alt (in feet). If rise is given, you get an updraft or downdraft (-127 - 127 MPH). | .wind 3000 45 30 |
icon | 1 or 0 | Sets icons are viewed: 1 = FarIconSetting, 0 = NearIconSetting. | .icon 1 |
reset | CountryNumber | resets a country's fields to the arena's default. | .reset 2 |
jumptg | TaskGroupNumber | jumps a carrier task group TaskGroupNumber to the next waypoint on its path. | .jumptg 12 |
setdowntime | ObjectType Dowtime | Sets the down time (in minutes) for a destroyed ObjectType. | .setdowntime 12 20 |
sethardness | ObjectType Hardness | sets the hardness for ObjectType - the higher the hardness the more difficult to destroy. Its value is how many 1000lb bombs does it take to destroy. | .sethardness 12 0.5 |
objectdefault | Resets the hardness and downtimes for all objects to the arena default | .objectdefault |