Configuring Airfields

The Field Settings are the variables that control which models are available to which countries at which fields in the arena. The Field Settings may be changed by CM's (Campaign Managers) in the Special Events Arena and in offline play.

Configuring air, tank, and port fields in Aces High

The fields list shows each field with the owning country icon, the field type and the field number. Field types are "A" for an airfield, "V" for a vehicle field, "P" for a port, and "C" for a carrier. The fields can be listed by country or by type. Use the Bishops, Knights, and Rooks checkboxes to change plane availability for individual countries. The Enable All Planes and Disable All Planes buttons will enable/disable all planes at the field selected in the list for the country or countries indicated with the checkboxes.

The planes list shows the name of each plane with an "X" in the country icon column to indicate if the plane is enabled for a country at the selected field. The Enable At All Fields and Disable At All Fields buttons will enable/disable the selected plane at all fields in the fields list.

For example, to enable the Ostwind at all vehicle fields, select Vehicle fields from the Show drop-down box to list all vehicle fields in the fields list. Select the Ostwind from the planes list and click Enable At All Fields to enable the Ostwind at all vehicle fields.

The Original Country, Current Country, Enable Plane and Disable Plane buttons in the center of the dialog allow for plane and/or field settings to be changed individually.

Flight Sim Screen Shots