The European Theater was a huge area where heavy fighting occurred and it was comprised of the Eastern Front, most notably near Russia, and the Western Front, which was basically most of Western Europe. The designation of theaters came from the United States Army as a way of referring to general areas of combat. The geographical boundaries were defined as north of Italy and the Mediterranean coast, and it was bordered to the south by what became known as the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, or North African in general.
In the US Army field manual a “Theater of Operations” was defined as “the land and sea areas to be invaded or defended, including areas necessary for administrative activities incident to the military operations.” A theater was divided into two chief areas….the combat zone, or the area of active fighting, and the Communications Zone, or the area required for administration of the theater. As the armies advanced or retreated, both these zones and the areas would move forward or backward.
The major campaigns fought by the United States Army in the European Theater were:
The Normandy Campaign June 6, 1944 to July 24, 1944
Northern France Campaign July 25, 1944 to September 14, 1944
Southern France Campaign
Rhineland Campaign
Lorraine Campaign September 1, 1944 to December 18, 1944
Ardennes-Alsace Campaign December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945
Central Europe Campaign March 22, 1945 to May 11, 1945.
Of course, it should be noted that other major contributors and participants in the war had their own designations for areas, but the European Theater was fairly consistent no matter which nation was doing the reporting and designation.
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