(+) Precision

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To know what we are you need to know a little history about us, so here it is.

Precision’s founder (call sign Floatsup) formed this squad in 2006 with one goal in mind: To pull together a group of dedicated professionals and form an elite bomber squadron. With the knowledge and ability to take their birds deep into enemy territory and hit their targets with pin point accuracy! Thus, the squadron’s name “Precision” with the squad emblem being (+). As a bombing group there is none better! Each member of the unit has spent many hours practicing and refining this skill, and though we do many other roles, the innate bombing ability is still a mandate for every squad member.

As time went by we realized that even though we could shut several enemy bases down on a single mission, our fellow countrymen were not capitalizing on this and would not capture the base, so we started to branch out into ground vehicle assaults and fighter wings. This has turned the squad into a well rounded and deadly fighting force. If you look for the biggest battle-front you will see (+) Precision flying into harms way.

And we will be flying as a Band of Brothers…

Precision Avatar.gif

Mission Statement[edit]

There are a few simple things that we live by;

  • Always protect and aid a squad member

If a squad mission goes up.

  • You will be in it.

Squad Activities[edit]

  • Actively participating in FSO Friday_Night_Squad_Operations
  • Actively participating in weekly Snapshots
  • Actively participating in SEC Sunday_European_Campaign
  • Squad Dueling League
  • Inter-Squad Duels
  • Squad Day/Night is Sunday from 2PM EST - ?
  • Usually SEC, then Chit plane sunday. The higher the ENY, the better.
  • Squad Meeting is last Sunday of the month
  • All events located here Events

Interested in (+) Precision?[edit]

  • We are an International Adult Squad
  • These are our By-Law Articles
  • Go to Late War Main Arena, Country-Knights, Channel 144
  • Contact anyone on this List
  • Visit our Forum
  • Email Info@PrecisionSquad.org

An Exceptional Aces High Squadron[edit]


Wherever you go, there you are, with a squaddy.