26th Koku Sentai
Introduction to the 26th Koku Sentai
The 26th Koku Sentai is a Japanese based historical fighter group formed for Aces High. The 26th Koku Sentai at the moment has one squadron under the name of the 582nd Kokutai lead by 321BAR as the CO and Dogtown as the XO. We will look into forming new squadrons such as the 2nd Kokutai once the 582nd has its total 32 members. If you wish to join our ranks, you can PM me or Dogtown on the Aces High forums or in the game.
Created on March 16th, 2010, the squadron has been and always will be based the training of a fine tuned group that always gives the enemy a hard time while always having fun win or lose. We base our flights on squad based and wingman based tactics. Although we are fighter oriented, we fly anything and everything in the Aces High arsenal to get the job done.
What we do and where we fly
Although we usually only fly Late War main arenas, you will always find us in the thick of an air battle holding the enemy at bay and flying Combat Air Patrols and Fighter Sweeps on the frontlines of the Bishop nation. Where the Bishops need us, we will be there whether our allies are there or not. Our squad vox of 158 always is full of laughs and stories and good times. We are now looking for members whether you are 14 years old or 50, a new flyer or a 7 year veteran. As long as you are mature and work as a teammate you are welcome to fly with us. We do not need you to like the Zeros to fly with us, we fly any plane necessary to do the job
Historically the 582nd Kokutai was formed at Yokosuka Airbase in Japan in May of 1942. From there they were deployed to the Solomon Islands in mid-may and flew air operations during that time in A6M3s (we use a6m5bs in the game. The 582nd Kokutai was credited with 220 victories when it was disbanded in July of 1943.
One pilot stood out over the others. His name was Kanichi Kashimura and he gained some fame over China for returning from a mission missing half of the left wing of his Type 96 "Claude" fighter following a mid air collision with Curtiss Hawks. He would go on to score 8 victories before being sent to New Guinea and the 582nd in December 1942. He was lost in combat three months later on March 6th 1943, the conditions around it are somewhat murky. Kashimura is generally recognized to have achieved 12 aerial victories.
We hope to see you in the skies soon