79th Fighter Group

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79FG header-179th Panzer -Division header -1-1.png

Mywingmanmyfriend - 79fg-85fs.jpg

***Let us first say:"Thanks for checking us out" ***


The 79th Fighter Group was created and started recruiting on November 26, 2006. We based the 79th Fighter Group and the 85, 86, 87th Fighter Squadrons attached to the 79th FG during World War II. We wanted a hard hitting unit of WWII that made a impact on the war. With so many USAAF units that were so good. We came down to a handful to picked from. So we chosen the hard knocking unit from the African campaigns to the Italian campaigns that helped turn the war around. Thus the 79th Fighter Group has been in World War II from the beginning, when the USA started to entered the war.

Our Mission

Our mission here on Aces High is to honor these men and keep their memory alive. They flew in harms way, and some gave the ultimate sacrifice, so we may all live in a safer world. God bless the men of the 79th Fighter Group. << Salute >>

Aces High combat simulator

The 79th Fighter Group is a fairly laid back group. That like to fly in a group and do allot of base take missions. We use wing-man options allot. Pork runs and bombing runs with or without escorts. And at times we loosen up for some dueling events also. We fly in the late, mid war arenas. Our host fighter is the P-47D-40 "War Horse" in 79FG, 86FS colors. We do fly and drive anything. Thus the A,L & S (air, Land & Sea) is in our group patch. We fly bishop, rooks & knights. We fly primarily on the Knights country side, seems to be a good fit for our members and we have a good working relationship with other units on the knights loyal country.

In House

We now do in house group air racing and dueling events. And do our own in house missions. Sometimes tower missions and other planned missions for squad. nights and off squad. nights. Usually there are members on-line flying during the week and weekend.

We participate in MoM missions. We do fly some snapshots, large scenarios. We have done FSO's & air racing in the past, and presently we are reserving that option at a later time.


We recruit pilots at the age of 18+. We are a older adult group. Must be able to do the basics of flying and driving abilities in Aces High II. Must have a full time subscription to AH II. Have a microphone for group communications. We do use an various forms of communications. We do have a 2 week trial period. During this time most members are seeing if this group works for them. Get registered to our website. And most of all have fun flying, driving & blow stuff up. Check our website recruit - application page for all the latest updates.


Our training is in house, so everyone is on the same page. This is so we can communicate and do better planning on missions. "We train like we fight"

Wall of Honor

The Wall of Honor was created in house by the 79th FG. We maintain a list of fallen friends of Aces High on Aces High wiki website. The 79th FG decided that we need a place to show respect to all our fallen members of Aces High and Air Warrior. So stop by and take a look at Aces High wiki under squadrons marked Wall of Honor.


Brief History of the 79th FG

The 79th Fighter Group was one of the few fighter groups that fought in P-40F & L version in the African campaigns. These versions had the high output Royals Royce Merlin one stage supercharger engine and used bombs. The 79th FG had also captured some German aircraft such as: BF109, FW190 fighters & one JU88 bomber. As the WWII raged on the 79th Fighter Group transitioned to P-47D-40 Thunder bolts "Jugs or T-bolts" to the end of the war. They moved from the Africa / Middle east to the island of Corsica off the coast of Italy at Serraggia Airbase. Along with other P-47 units & medium bomber units stationed on Corsica. Their job there was to dive bomb and provide air cover for the bombers. They had some impressive aircraft kills of 1,000 aircraft shot down with the P-47 of the 12th Air Force. Visit our website for more history about the 79th Fighter Group and warbird information.

wikipedia - 79th FG history


Multi-Gaming Community ( 79th Fighter Group & 179th Panzer Division )

True WW2 based units

Due to the fact that more graphics and better coding of games coming out every year. Lets face it running into trees and bushes to a dead stop on Aces High with a 40 - 70 ton tank is really ridiculous. Also lowering the graphics to make it easier for other members to shoot another tank is really a cheat in today's more advance computers. Most people have Pentium 4 Quad. Core and a really good video card in their computer setup. Since Aces High has failed in this area we are looking into other games in WW2 and Korean war combat. So we have decided to go more multi-gaming WW2 / Korean combat and 79th community.

179th Panzer Division tiger tank-shield -1-2-573x417.png

On World of Tanks:

In keeping with the 79th Community the 179th Panzer Division was setup for tanking in World of Tanks tank simulation game. We dropped the reserve from the title to shorter up the title for the game and not to be confused with our WOT European division. We picked a German Division, because of the Germans engineering and developing good tanks and use of blitzkrieg tactics on the battlefield. All 79th Community members are welcomed to joined.

World of Tanks is more of a true first shooter tanking game. We basically have the same requirements and all 79th FG members are welcomed. We hope to have some members join in on the tanking force in World of Tanks. Yes, we will be able to run over trees, bushes and buildings on the map. And even thought the WOT game doesn't have aircraft bombing you. WOT does have artillery splashing you with arty rounds at times. Which again Aces High has failed on the ground again. You can stop by our website and join both or either one.

Short WW2 History of the 179th (Reserved) Panzer Division:

The 179th Reserve Panzer Division (German: 179. Reserve-Panzer-Division) of the German army in World War II was formed in July 1943. The division was stationed in France from July 1943 to May 1944 when it was disbanded and absorbed by the 116th Panzer Division. That is why we wear the 116th Panzer Division Growling Greyhounds patch.


So if you like laid back group and want some structure with wing-man & training help. And like taking bases this might be the group for you. And going more multi-gaming community will give you the opportunity to be on the battle field with more members in different games. Remember we are a older group, should be 21+ and have a microphone. We feel we have made a impact on Aces High and World of Tanks.

We may not be pretty! But we make a impact where ever we go! << Salute!>>

***Thanks & Gods speed to you!***

All images, pictures and web page are copyright protected by the 79th Fighter Group and 179th Panzer Division. All rights reserved. Copyright ©2012