82nd FG "Adorimini"
Squadron History[edit]
We are a P-38 dedicated squadron that is modeled after the 82nd Fighter Group of WW2 which participated in the ETO and MTO theaters. We were activated in Aces High 2 on Thursday, May 29th, 2009 under the command of Schwalbe; he has since retired. ForkTail a.k.a Grape, a veteran since the squads induction, lead the squad on until it's hiatus in 2011. The squad has since been dusted off by another former member and is now active under Kassill a.k.a DEECONX (BBS). We are not dedicated to one country, we fly for low numbers most of the time or who ever has the best fight, so we move around depending on the numbers and operate on our public vox channel of 192.
All guests or visitors are encouraged and welcomed to fly with us as we are in fact looking for new recruits at this time.
Squadron Leadership and Organization[edit]
Currently the 82nd FG is commanded by Kassill (DEECONX on the BBS). We operate and are organized by a structured, military style ranking system used by the USAAF of WW2. Our group is divided into 3 Squadrons of the 82nd FG: The 95th, 96th & 97th Fighter Squadron's. Each squadron commander will serve as flight leaders in squad events such as FSO, scenarios and general mayhem in the MA.
The goal of 82nd Fighter Group is to simulate the typical USAAF squadrons that fought in the Mediterranean Theater during WWII. A primary focus is on teamwork and cooperation, with the goal of bringing as many pilots home in a sortie as possible. The squadron weekly trains in wingman tactics and formation maneuvers which all squadron members and recruits are expected to become proficient in.
We strive to carry ourselves to a higher standard than your average squadron. We advertise our unit's reputation through tactical precision, our disciplined but courtesy manner, our tactical formation flying and combat communication and teamwork.
Squadron Aircraft[edit]
The primary ride of 82nd FG is the Lockheed P-38 Lightning which are frequently used for air-to-air, High altitude escorting missions and occasionally air to ground missions. Although the squad is based on the P-38, a variety of plane are encouraged to be flown.
82nd FG has the following requirements for prospective members:
- A preference for all variants of the P-38 Lightning as a primary ride, however it should be noted that exclusive use of the Lightning is not required. Some members do so out of preference, but many will fly other aircraft as well.
- Full membership
- An interest in teamwork and cooperation
- A working microphone is mandatory. We operate primarily by vox and hope to have a teamspeak server soon, so having a microphone is must.
- 18+ preferred but not required. Younger recruits will be evaluated on:
maturity and overall character.
- US time zone preferable but not required
Squadron Operations[edit]
82nd FG primarily flies for thelower number countries. Occasionally we change to different countries depending on the numbers and if we are doing Co-Op missions with friendly squadrons. Currently we are in the process of entering FSO but at this time we participate in Scenarios, Snapshots, & other Special Events.
Our weekly schedule consists of:
- Tuesdays at 8pm EST
- Training missions are set up within the squad at varied dates.
Currently, we do fly as a squadron in Axis vs. Allies.
82nd FG is currently recruiting members to participate in Main Arena. Prospective recruits are expected to review the Squadron Code of Conduct & PM a member of the squad to get access of the squad forum on the BBS to see some of the inter working of the squad.