Common terms
Players in Aces High have their own unique terms and abbreviations for communicating with each other. Knowing these will make it much easier to figure out who is saying what on the text buffer or on vox.
Some of these are shortened for typing and some are for use in voice comms.
^ - up. Taking off. "^ A64" means taking off from airfield A64
* - degrees (heading) as in 270*
109- Bf 109 (aka Me109) fighter.
109E - Bf 109E-4 "Emil" fighter
109F - Bf 109F-4 "Friedrich" fighter
109G - Bf 109G-2, G-6, or G-14 "Gustav" fighter
109K – Bf 109K-4 fighter
12 or 12 o'clock - straight ahead
17 - B-17 "Flying Fortress" heavy bomber
190 - Fw 190 fighter
190A5 - Fw 190A-5
190A8 – Fw 190A-8
190D - Fw 190D-9
190F – Fw 190F-8
202 - Macchi C.202 fighter
205 - Macchi C.205 fighter
25 - B-25 C or H "Mitchell" medium bomber
251 - SdKfz 251 ground vehicle.
26 - B-26 "Marauder" medium bomber
3 or 3 o'clock - on the right
38 - P-38G, J, or P-38L "Lightning" fighter
39 - P-39 D or Q "Airacobra" fighter
47 - P-47D-11, D-25, D-40, or N "Thunderbolt" fighter or C-47 "Dakota" transport
5 by 5/5x5 - loud and clear
51 - P-51 "Mustang" fighter
6 or 6 o'clock - rear
666 - Danger on you 6 o'clock
88 - JU-88 medium bomber
9 or 9 o'clock - on the left
A5 - Fw 190A-5
A8 - Fw 190A-8
aa - anti-aircraft fire
aaa - anti-aircraft artillery.
a/c or ac - aircraft
ack - fixed anti-aircraft emplacement, also "AAA".
acm - air combat maneuver
afk - away from keyboard
agl - above ground level
AH - Aces High
alt - altitude
alt monkey - Pilot/style of flying that emphasizes maintaining altitude, and a BnZ fighting style
auger - crash
auto - auto-pilot
AvA - Axis vs Allies arena. Semi-historical maps and plane match-ups
away - bombs, etc have been dropped. "Troops away!"
bail - bail out of plane
bak - back at keyboard
bandit - enemy aircraft
bar-dar - the red and green bars on the radar map indicating friendly and enemy in sector, also dar-bar
BDA - Battle Damage Assesment
bh - bomber hangar
bingo - out of something (as in Bingo ammo)(IRL, bingo was out of fuel and “Winchester” was out of ammo)
bish - Bishops. One of the three countries in Aces High
bnz - Boom and Zoom, a fighter air combat tactic. See "Boom and Zoom".
bogie - an unknown aircraft in official Air Force speak, but usually means an enemy aircraft in the arena
brb - be right back
btw - by the way
Boom and Zoom - A fighter tactic, or basicaly any tactic that's on the faster end of the ACM spectrum. The most basic and common variant is repeatedly diving on and shooting at the target with as little energy loss as possible, zooming back out of reach of the target after each pass.
box - bomber formation
buff - bomber
bus - C-47 "Dakota" Transport
bzy - busy
candle lit - Carrier is on fire
cap - Combat Air Patrol. Usually means you are covering a field or enemy over field. Also used for the game mechanism that tries to balance the arenas by preventing players to join a arena past a certain number of players.
cc - confirmed, affirmative, yes (IRL, two clicks of mic button on radio means message received)
check6 - look behind you. danger behind you
c-hog - F4U-1C. Corsair equipped with 4 x 20mm Hispano cannons
con - icon. Type and range of aircraft displayed in the cockpit view . "con a B-17"
con range - within range to see an object's icon. In Aces High, 6k for planes, 3k for ground vehicles.
contact - pilot has visual contact
cv - aircraft carrier
cya - see you; as in see you later
d9 - Fw 190D-9
dar - Radar. Also used to say you have something on radar. "dar a bogie"
deack - To destroy AAA
deck - near ground level. A plane flying very low is "on the deck"
deck dive - a last ditch dive to the deck, expending all your altitude in an attempt to get a bandit off your six
ded - dead
D-hog - F4U-1D Corsair
discoed - Disconnected from game
ditch - land somewhere other than an airfield's runway
dogfight - air-to-air fighter engagement
doors open - bomb-bay doors opened
dora - Fw 190D-9
dorka - Fw 190D-9
dot - a plane visible from the cockpit but too far away to have its icon displayed.
dot dar - red and green dots on the radar map indicating actual plane positions
drag or draggin(g) - leading the enemy (usually towards friendlies)
drunks - paratroopers
dry - no ordnance / ammo
DT - drop tank
dump - disconnected from system or get rid of ordnance
dweeb - new pilot or one who does dumb things
dweebfire - Spitfire. Particularly the Spitfire Mk XVI
e - energy or east
egg(s) - bomb(s)
Emil - Bf 109E-4
EW - Early war arena. Planes up to around 1941.
f4f - F4F Wildcat fighter
f6 - F6F Hellcat fighter. Also the F6 view (bombsight view) accessed by pressing the F6 key
F8 - Fw 190F-8 fighter/bomber
feet dry - crossing the shoreline from the water side (now over land)
feet wet - crossing the shoreline from the land side (now over water)
fh - fighter hangar
field - Any discrete area on the ground, such as an airfield, vehicle base, or even kill-zone during combat; but mostly the former two.
fish – torpedo
flak - anti-aircraft fire or Flak Panzer (Ostwind or Wirbelwind)
flak panzie - Flak Panzer (Ostwind or Wirbelwind)
FM - FM2 Wildcat (a more dangerous F4F), usually used as clarification/warning
form - join a formation
fort - B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber
fp - Flak Panzer (Ostwind)
fpm - Feet Per Minute. Rate of climb is measured in feet per minute
fps - Frames per second
fr - Frame Rate
fubar - f...ed up beyond all recognition
furball - multi-ship dogfight
furballer - A type of player whos objective is to engage in air to air combat with other players, and who has little interest in the strategic war effort of the arena.
fw - Fw 190. Often followed by model; FwA4, FwD9, etc
<G> - grin
G2 - Bf 109G-2 Fighter
G6 - Bf 109G-6 Fighter
G14 - Bf 109G-14 Fighter
ga - Go Ahead (as in permission to speak)
GameID - Your name in the game. Can be up to 8 letters long.
glider - engine out
goon or gooney - C-47 "Dakota" Transport
Gustav - Bf 109G2, G6, or G14 fighters
GV - ground vehicle
hail - hello
hawg - F4U
hdg - heading
heavy - carrying bombs/rockets
Hellcat - F6F Hellcat
Hellkitty - F6F Hellcat
Hizooka - Hispano 20mm cannon
HO - head on. A nose to nose shot. Often frowned on, especially by the loser
HOie-fire - a spitfire marked as a HO, or one who's sole intent is to HO you.
hog - F4U
hold - loiter at location
hurribomber - Hurricane IIC, the only model to carry ordanance.
hvy - carrying bombs/rockets
ias - Indicated Airspeed
ib - inbound
in - pilot is engaging
in sight or in scope - bombing target visible in bomb-site
imho - in my humble opinion/in my honest opinion
j/k - just kidding
jabo - fighter/bomber; can refer to the plane or the mission.
join - join a formation
jug - P-47 "Thunderbolt" fighter
k - thousand (also used in place of okay). Meaning thousands of yards when capitalized and behind a number, e.g.: 4,500 yards ahead: "4.5K"
k4 - Bf 109K-4 fighter
Kate - B5N2 Torpedo Bomber
kilt - killed, died
kite - A6M "Zero" fighter
Knights - Knights. One of the three countries in Aces High
la-la - La-7 or (less frequently) La-5 fighter
la5 - La-5 fighter
la7 - La-7 fighter
lanc - Avro "Lancaster" heavy bomber
lancstuka - Using a Lancaster bomber as a dive bomber, often frowned upon.
lawndart - crashed
lgay - La-5 or La-7 fighter
lining up - bomber readying for bomb run
lite - no bombs
lmao - laughing my a** off
loc - location (usually a request)
log - exit game
lol - laughing out loud
m3 - M-3 halftrack capable of carrying troops or supplies
m8 - mate (as in friend) or M-8 "Greyhound" armored car
m16 - M-16 Machine Gun Carrier. M-3 with quad .50 cal machine guns for anti-aircraft work
MA - Main Arena. Usually referring to the Late War arenas
Manned Ack - 37mm guns on a field that are mannable by players. Also "Man ack" or "manack".
marker - the red or green bars on the radar map indicating plane(s) in sector. "marker in sector..."
MG - Short for "machine gun".
milkrun - unchallenged bomb run
mossie or mossy - DeHavilland "Mosquito" fighter-bomber
mp - manifold pressure. When preceded or followed by a number, it's the setting for the formation.
MW - Mid-war arena. Planes up to late '43 / early '44
n - north
neg - no, negative
nik or niki - N1K2-J "Shinden-Kai" (Violet Lightning) Fighter. Pyro hates it when you say niki!
nme – enemy
no joy - I have been unsuccessful or I do not see the bogie / bandit
newb, noob - a player who is just starting out and unfamiliar with the game. (derogatory) A player who's actions indicate they don't know what they are doing.
noe - nap of earth. Flying below radar (500' in the Main Arena)
np - no problem
on scope - bombing target visible in bomb-site
ostie - Ostwind. Panzer Mk IV chassis with 37mm flak gun
otw - on the way
out - pilot is disengaging
pad - Tarmac area where are clustered hangars.
pick - or cherry pick: Attacking an enemy already engaged with another plane
ping - a non-fatal bullet/cannon strike, a .30 caliber bullet strike
pond - large body of water
pony - P-51 "Mustang" fighter
poof - disconnecting / leaving the arena or game
pork - make base un-usable by destroying hangars, fuel, etc
porker - someone who porks a base for no reason.
prep - prepare field for capture. This term is also used heavily in regards to carrier operations.
pumpkin - B-25H 75mm HE round
pumpkin chucker - B-25H T13E1 75mm cannon
puffy ack - the exploding anti-aircraft artillery that leaves black puffs of smoke
pz - Very short hand for Panzer.
ram - mid-air collision
range - Used as a verb, it means to measure the distance to a target. Also, the local voice chat system
rgr - roger
roc - Rate Of Climb
rofl - Rolling On Floor Laughing
roflmao - ROFL my a** off
rope - tactic of enticing an enemy to follow you up and stalling under you... rope-a-dope
RPM - Revolutions per minute, refering to an engine/propeller's rotational speed.
rtb - return to base
run - depart the area at high speed
runstang - P-51
s - south
sa - situational awareness
Salvo - To fire several shots (guns, bombs, or missiles) at the same time.
sb - shore battery
flankin - tactic used in ground vehicle combat. It means to get on an opponents flanks or rear, where the armor is weaker.
scramble - take off and engage enemy from capped field
sdk - SdKfz 251 ground vehicle.
smokin(g) - damaged and trailing smoke
soft - a target (usually ground target) has been hit but not destroyed
sortie - a flight by a plane is a sortie. Two planes flying together equals 2 sorties.
spit - Spitfire (or Seafire) fighter
spit5 - Spitfire Mk V fighter
spit9 - Spitfire Mk IX fighter
spit8 – Spitfire Mk VIII fighter
spit14 – Spitfire Mk XIV fighter
spit16 – Spitfire Mk XVI fighter
spray & pray - Fire long bursts from guns in hopes of hitting something
sprayer - a pilot who expends ammo liberally
spud gun - 37 or 40mm cannon, the 30mm mk108 being a "tater gun"
squeaker - derogatory slang for a young/adolescent(though not necessarily new) player. Derived from their high-pitched voices and tendency to whine and over use the comms and forum
status - often refers to loc, alt, hdg
stick - bombs dropped at one time
TA - Training Arena. An AH arena set up for training
tally - target sighted (also "tally ho")
tanx - thanks
tater - large cannon shell, typically the 30mm cannon on the 109K-4, the 37mm's being "spuds"
tard - any person who plays like an idiot.
tardling - any child that plays like an idiot
teh - typo for "THE"
thanx - thanks
thnx - thanks
toolsheder - A type of player whos objective is to destroy strategic objects (sarcasticly refered to as "toolsheds"), with little interest in engaging in combat with other players.
tune - tune radio. "tune 177" means change channel to 177
twr - tower
ty - thank you
up - taking off (as in "up A51")
ur - you are or your
Val - D3A1 Bomber
vbase - Vehicle Base.
ventilated - "I'm ventilated", flying a shot up aircraft. Refering to the holes from machine gun and cannon fire.
vh - vehicle hangar
vis or viz - visual contact. "vis a B-17" or "vis a bogie"
vox - voice
Vox Channel - Vox_Channel
vulch - to shoot a plane as it tries to take off, or as its sitting on the rearm pad.
w – west
wb - welcome back
WEP - Wartime Emergency Power
wepping - using WEP
wife ack - phenomenon known to cause many pilots to "poof" due to incessant nagging while flying
winchester - Air Force speak for out of ammo. "Bingo" is generally used for both fuel and ammo in the arena.
Wirb - Wirbelwind
WW - Short-hand for Wirbelwind, the anti-aircraft ground vehicle.
y - Acronym for "yard", the unit of distance. e.g. Five hundred yards: "500y", often expressed as "D500".
zeke - A6M "Zero" fighter
zoom - Nearly vertical climb, usualy at relatively high speed.