Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group

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'The Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group' - A Bishop Squadron




The Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group is a senior squadron that has been with Aces High since beta testing. Prior to that we were in WarBirds dating from ver.1.0. The DHBG is over 15 years old, which makes us one of the oldest in the online world. Over the years the DHBG has maintained its stability and integrity by offering membership to those who show maturity and enjoy being team players. Those who jump from squadron to squadron, like to change callsigns or sides, or who take offense easily at either other players, the squadron, or Aces High management have proven unsatisfactory as Dickweeds. People with axes to grind, or who have some personal agenda, have also not been successful squadron members.

Being offered a slot on the DHBG roster is an honor and also an automatic vote of confidence in the new member by all Dickweeds. Understanding the camaraderie and responsiblities that go with being a Dickweed is important as well as having a sense of humor.

The DHBG recruits all races, sexes, and age ranges without discrimination, however applicants below age 18 have been generally found too young to be happy with us in the long term. Successful recruits are chosen on the basis of both potential and proven performance, attitude, and friendliness. If you feel that you fit into this type of profile, then we encourage you to fly with us and perhaps join the squadron.

Last Updated 01/17/13



A. It shall be considered an act of treason to the squadron for any DHBG pilot to change colors, change sides, change countries, or in any way affiliate with enemy forces while a member of the Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group. Fraternization with the enemy, aiding the enemy in any way, or knowingly taking an enemy pilot onboard a DHBG airplane will also be considered an Article XIII violation. The sending of squadron email to anyone flying for another country, or sharing email with someone from another country, falls under this article. Joining another squadron without formally notifying and resigning from the DHBG is a violation of this article. Individuals who violate this article are never to be re-invited to the DHBG.

B. The firing upon or shooting down of any DHBG airplane, with the exception of a "killshooter" accident, by a DHBG pilot shall be considered a traitorous act to the squadron and a violation of this article.

C. In certain very rare circumstances and only with the express approval of the squadron commander, or his designated executive officer, a DHBG member may be dispatched to the enemy ranks or colors, or join another country, for the specific purpose of gathering intelligence. This individual would be a sworn squadron intelligence agent and known to the high command staff of the DHBG.
