This article is about the Player with the callsign edgar
Personal Data[edit]
- Year of Birth: 1964
- Gender: male
- Country: USA
- City: Santa Monica, CA
- Occupation: Field Service Engineer
- Interests: Aces High, Surfing, Bicycling
Pilot Data[edit]
- Callsign: edgar
- Squad: PARROTS
- Prefered Planes:LA7, Pony, C205 (Basically andy dweeb ride!)
- WarBirds since: 2006
- AH since: 2007
- System: PC running Vista
- Prefered Joystick: CH Fighterstick and Pedals
- Real Life Flight Experience: Private Pilot - VFR
About edgar[edit]
Hello all - I really like to spend as much time as possible in the virtual skies, learning and improving my skills. Who knows, I may even shoot YOU down some day!