Getting Started with the Terrain Editor

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This area is intended to familiarize you with all of the editing controls and their locations in the Terrain Editor for Aces High II. And, it will also show you how to start a new terrain.

The Terrain Editor Screen[edit]

Terrain Editor Screen

Terrain Tab[edit]

The Terrain Tab is used while setting elevations and texture types on a terrain.

Terrain Tab Set Type: Sets the terrain texture type for the area you are editing in the main window

Refresh Cnts: Refreshes the terrain texture type counts shown in the Terrain Tab

Subtype: This only becomes active for river textures and allows you to select the direction a river travels.

Randomize: Creates either completely random terrain textures across the whole terrain or randomizes the texture sub-types in a single grid

Manual: Manually sets the terrain texture sub-types in a 1 mile grid

Save Textures: Exports all of the terrain textures for viewing or editing

Auto Type: Allows elevation and texture type to be set at the same time with Set Terr Alt button.

Terr Alt: The altitude you want for the point(s) you are editing

Set Terr Alt: Sets the altitude of the points you are editing at Terr Alt

Inc Alt: Used to raise or lower the terrain in small increments.

Raise: Raises the terrain by the value set in Inc Alt

Lower: Lowers the terrain by the value set in Inc Alt

Setup Filter: Used for creating natural looking hills and valleys over large areas

Perform Op: Applies the filters set up in Setup Filter

Show Transitions: Shows the transition points when using Setup Filter

Water Not 0: Checks for any areas of water that are not at 0 altitude

Select: Selects an area to be copied

Set Source: Sets the source point to be copied

Set Destination: Sets the destination point to be copied

Copy: Copies the selected area to the locations set in Set Source & Set Destination

Mirror Right: Mirrors the selected area right or up(note: can be modified with Set Source and Set Destination)

Flatten Terr: Under review. Possible legacy item from old Terrain Editor versions.

Objects Tab[edit]

The Objects Tab is used while placing objects such as bases, carrier groups and guns on your terrain.

Objects Tab Selec: Sets the editor in selection mode

Move: Sets the editor to move mode for the selected object(s)

Copy: Sets the editor to copy mode for the selected object(s)

Rotate: Sets the editor to rotate mode for a single selected object

Group Rotate: Sets the editor to group rotate mode for multiple objects

Save Texture: Save the textures for the shape selected in the Available Shapes list.

U, L, R, D: Quick rotate up, left, right and down of an object.

Add Shape/Group: Adds a shape or shape group that is selected in the available shapes list or shape groups list to the terrain.

Delete Group: Deletes an item in the Shape Groups list. USE WITH CAUTION

Selection List: The list of items selected with Selec. Double click on an item to bring up it's property list.

Goto Object: Goes to an object selected in the Selection List

Unselect Object: Removes an object from the Selection List (does not delete object)

Delete: Deletes an object selected in the Selection List

Save Shape Group: Saves items in the Selection List as a Group

Change All: Changes all properties for all items in the Selection List

Select Objects: Select objects by country, field number, shape type or type.

Search for an object by name: Find an object by it's name. ie: f01gms000

Obj Report: Used to check the terrain for errors.

Swap Fields: Swaps field numbers of bases.

Check Entry: Checks vehicle entry points for errors.

Task Groups Tab[edit]

The Task Groups tab is used to assign initial paths to the Carrier Task Groups in the game.

Task Groups Tab List Window: The list of Carrier Task Groups that are on the terrain.

Add Point: Adds a waypoint for the selected Task Group

Clear Points: Clears all waypoints for the selected Task Group

Looped: Sets the waypoint type to Looped. In other words, the fleet will travel in a continuous loop.

Patrol: Sets the waypoint type to Patrol. In other words, the fleet will travel to the last waypoint, turn around and return following the same path to the first waypoint.

Submit: Finalizes the waypoints for the Task Group.

Roads Tab[edit]

The Roads Tab is where you assign routes for supply convoys (roads), trains, and barges that supply bases and strat in the game.

Roads Tab Set Properties: Changes the road type to road, train or river. Allows changing the road name and type of resources it carries.

Roads Drop Down List: List of roads on the terrain

Add, Delete Road: Manually adds or deletes a road on the terrain

Insert, Add, Delete Point: Insert, Add or Delete a segment to a road on the terrain

Move To: Move focus on a selected road to the First, Next or Last segment of the road.

Show All Roads: Shows all roads on the terrain

Create All: Automatically creates all required roads on the terrain.

Redo Objects: Deletes all trains, barges and convoys and then recreates them at the end of each road.

Road Properties: Shows the length, type and name of a selected road.

Zones Tab[edit]

Zones Tab Field List: Lists all fields on the terrain.

Properties: Allows setting a field as a Zone Master

Swap Zones: Allows swapping of zones from one area to another by changing zone numbers.

Map Window[edit]

Map Window This window is a quick navigation aid while editing a terrain. It contains the same clipboard map that will be seen in the game itself. It can be resized by dragging the corners of the window for better viewing.

To zoom in and out on the map use the mouse wheel.

Right clicking on the window brings up an option list that contains the following:

  • Show Circles - Shows the radar circles around the towns and fields on the map.
  • Show Field Numbers - Shows a graphical representation of the field and it's number on the map. Similar to the clipboard map in the game.
  • Show Entry Points - Shows all vehicle and boat entry points on the map.
  • Show Zone Lines - Shows a connecting line between the Zone Masters and their related bases.
  • Show Field Links - Shows the assigned capture (or uncapturable) order of bases.
  • Setup Circles - Allows you to change the radius of the circles shown on the map.

Terrain Window Options[edit]

Terrain Window Options Grid: Turns on a 1 mile grid in the main editing window.

Cell Overlay On: Shows terrain clutter in the main editing window.

Snap: Allows precise movement of the cursor in the main editing window.

Snap Spacing: Adjusts the distance the cursor moves when snap is active. It is usually best to leave this at the default value.


Terrain Window Position Shows the current position of the cursor in the main editing window.

Position X-0,Z-0 is the center of the map.

As you move South of center, Z becomes a negative number.

As you move North of center, Z becomes a positive number.

As you move East of center, X becomes a positive number.

As you move West of center, X becomes a negative number.

Y is the altitude of the point on the terrain the cursor is set on.

Terrain View[edit]

Terrain View Heading: Changes your direction of view in the editing window

Pitch: Changes your angle of view in the editing window

Top View: Returns to the default overhead view

Alt, Options, Time[edit]

Terrain Alt, Options and Time Alt: Changes the amount of visible terrain in the main editing window.

Animation: Not functional at this time

Time: Changes the time of day in the main editing window.

Starting a New Terrain[edit]

Terrain Map

Before you begin building a new terrain, it’s a good idea to sketch your terrain design on a piece of paper to use as a reference and to determine the terrain scale. The sketch should include all land and water areas and a general guide for field placement.

There are four terrain sizes supported by Aces High II: 64, 128, 256, and 512 mile terrains. Standard terrains in the Main Arena are either 256 miles or 512 miles.

You may use any bitmap editor to edit your terrain map. Open a bitmap file, and transfer your terrain sketch of land and water areas to the bitmap. At this point, don’t worry too much about it's appearance since it is only a reference for building your terrain.

Once you are satisfied with the basic layout of the land and water areas, save the file as a 256 color 8-bit bitmap with the same name as you intend to use for your terrain such as myterr.bmp and exit the bitmap editor.

Create Your New Terrain

To create the new terrain, open the Terrain Editor, click on File, New, and enter the name you have chosen for your terrain.

Click on Open and you will be prompted to select the size of the new terrain. Choose the size that corresponds to the terrain map you created in the last step, then click OK. A new folder with the name of your terrain is created in your ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr folder. Terrain files are saved with an .oba extension such as ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr/myterr.oba.

Before you do anything else close the Terrain Editor, saving the changes you have made to your new terrain. Do not attempt to set elevations or terrain types yet.

Next, using windows explorer create a new folder in your new terrain folder called texsrc. So you'll have a folder like this ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr/texsrc

Next, copy the myterr.bmp you created in the beginning into the ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr/texsrc folder that you just created, and re-open the Terrain Editor. The terrain will open with your terrain map in the Map Window. Your view in the Main Editing Window will be looking straight down at the center of the terrain, which will consist of just blue water.

You can now begin creating your terrain elevations and setting terrain types.


  • The terrain name must be 8 characters or less in length.