Operation Junk Yard Dog

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113th Lucky Strikes
Target Vehicle Base

Operational Orders: “Junk Yard Dog”

Single Strike element will consist of one, Four plane element and one two plane element. Element one will consist of four P38L’s Outfitted with 75% fuel two 1000lb bombs and 10 rockets. Element two will consist of a two plane element outfitted with 75% two 1000lb bombs and 10 rockets.

Plan Execution:

Enroute phase:

Element two P38L’s will provide escort and protect the four plane element strike package to the extent that if engaged the P38 escorts will jettison bombs only and dog fight to protect the 4 plane strike package.
The four plane element will engage enemy fighters only if necessary.

To the extent possible both elements should provide mutual supporting attacks in an effort to provide cover and divert enemy anti-aircraft (AAA).

Primary target(s) is Vehicle Hanger(s)
Secondary target(s) Ground Vehicle(s), Field Guns, Soft Guns, Radar, Troops

Both elements are to destroy primary targets before engaging secondary targets

Primary Strike:
Element one each strike one VH target saving 5 rockets for the secondary targets.
Element two are to put one 1000lb bomb each on nme GV’s once Hanger are reported down

Secondary Strike:
P38L’s are to target Field Guns, Soft Gun, Radar, Troops and CAP or Barrier CAP
and Ground Vehicle(s)

Extraction will be determined by one of these scenarios:
• Destruction of primary target(s) Yes/ No
• Destruction of secondary target(s) Yes/No
• Availability of troops Yes/No

If the answer to the scenarios is yes, Stay and hold, If No, and it stays no for more then 5 minutes. The unit should RTB.