Strat Placement

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Strategic (strat) objects are objects that affect a country’s ability to wage war.

There are two categories of strategic objects:

  • Factories: Factories support rebuild of radar, ammo, anti-aircraft, and fuel. The percent of total factory buildings destroyed affect the rebuild time of the corresponding field element (each fuel factory affects fuel at a field, each ammo factory affects ammo at a field, each radar factory affects radar at a field, and each flack factory affects anti-aircraft at a field). The percent of a headquarters (HQ) destroyed affects the total radar capability of a country in increments of 25%. When the factory or the HQ is totally destroyed it will remain down for a predetermined downtime (usually 30 minutes).

  • City buildings. The percentage of all city buildings destroyed at the exact instant a factory or HQ is totally destroyed adds a downtime multiplier. This multiplier can add between zero and two hours of additional downtime for the factory or HQ destroyed.

Strategic objects must be owned by a country to work properly and therefore, strategic targets cannot be captured in the normal fashion.


Each zone must have has it's own supply routes and strategic objects (strat).

The country assignments for the first three zones are:

  • Zone 1: Bishops : Country #1
  • Zone 2: Knights : Country #2
  • Zone 3: Rooks  : Country #3

These must not be changed. Any other zone number may be assigned to any country. However the preferred method is to assign zones in the same order as the first three zones. So, zones 1,4,7,10..etc would be Bishop. Zones 2,5,8,11..etc would be Knight. And, zones 3,6,9,12..etc would be Rook.

When a strat object is assigned to a zone and the "Zone Master" is captured, all of the associated supply factories(strat objects) for that zone become the property of the capturing country. This gives resupply priority to the country that owns the "Zone Master".

NOTE: Zones 1,2 and 3 are not capturable because the "Zone Masters" for those zones are the Headquarters for each country. And, a Headquarters can not be captured.

Strat Object Types[edit]

There are 7 strat types in Aces High.

AAA Factory
Ammunition Factory
Barracks Factory (troop training)
AAA factory icon

AAA Factory
Shape name: aaafac0
Ammunition Factory icon

Ammunition Factory
Shape name: amofac0
Barracks factory icon

Troop Training - Barracks Factory
Shape name: bacfac0
Fuel Refinery
City icon

Shape name: city0
Fuel factory icon

Fuel Factory
Shape name: fulfac0
Headquarters icon

Shape name: hq0
Radar Factory
Radar factory icon

Radar Factory
Shape name: rdrfac0

Strat Placement[edit]

Click the Objects tab in the Editing Options Area to activate the Objects tool and put the Terrain Editor in object editing mode. When in object editing mode, clicking on the main editing window will produce a red “+” on the terrain which marks a spot for an object or object group to be placed.

All objects in Aces High have two basic components:

Defines how the object visually appears
Defines how the object functions in Aces High.

For our puposes, shapes can be categorized into two types:

Three-dimensional objects.
Used to perform a non-visible function (i.e. a spawn point)

All objects must be owned by either a field or a country. Objects owned by a country are strategic objects (Strat) and cannot be captured. Objects owned by a field would be items like the field itself, the town, spawn points, guns etc.

To add a strat object to your terrain, activate Snap in the Terrain Window Options area. Also, activate the Grid in the same area. This ensures the object will be perfectly centered in the 1 mile grid.

Then left click on the center of the 1 mile grid where you want your strat object to be. As an example select hq0 (a Headquarters) from the list of available shapes and click Add Shape/Group in the Objects tab.
NOTE: The terrain where you are placing a strat object must be perfectly flat. Click on the terrain tab and then left click on the 9 points for that grid(cell) in the main editing window and check the number shown in the Y axis of the position display for each point. Adjust the terrain height if needed.

When you click Add Shape/Group, the object will be placed in the grid you selected and the properties box will appear.

Setting Strat Properties
Properties Box Position: For strat objects, this is informational only. Do not change.

Object Name: Do not change

Object Type: From the dropdown list select Group Master.

Ownership: Field Owned un-checked

Country: Change to the country number you want for this strat object if needed.

Zone: Change to the correct zone if needed.

Can Collide: Checked

Set to Terrain Alt: Checked

Is Zone Master: Should be grayed out and unselectable

ID: Do not change.

Group ID: Do not change

Object Data: 0

Down Time: Do not change

Point Value: Do not change

Hardness: Do not change

After setting all of the properties click OK. After you do this you will notice the object name has changed to something like C01GMS000. This is normal. What it is now saying is that the strat object belongs to C01 (Country 1) is now a GMS (group master) with the id of 0 (000).

Rotating Strat Objects[edit]

You may rotate any strat object in any direction. The only limitation is that the strat object must be rotated in increments of 90 degrees. The easiest way to do this is to use the U,L,R,D buttons on the Objects Tab.