Strike Bandits

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Squad Introduction[edit]

The Strike Bandits was formed with some of the remains of the Bad Company Squad in 2008. We are a laid back squad without rules or ranks. It is common practice to rag on each other, and make jokes at the expense of squad mates. This is all in good fun, and should not be taken seriously.

We do not feel any loyalty to a country; However, we do typically fly knights. We usually try to "loosely" fly together and enjoy winging and teamwork. It is not required that you wing up with someone at any time.

Squadron CO: Jamusta

Squadron XO: Jerkins

What do the Strike Bandits stand for[edit]

-Busting hordes

-Furballing as much as you like

-Score / Ranks is not important

-Vulching is avoided in order to allow for better fights

-Dueling is used for fun, as well as a learning tool

-We do not participate in horde missions

-We will be joining FSO and Squad dueling league soon

Strike Bandits moto[edit]

AH is a game... treat it that way. We do not care about winning or losing the fight, it is the fight itself that we enjoy most.

We are recruiting[edit]

Sound like you may fit in, get ahold of Jamusta or Jerkins in game or on BBS.