Terrain Editor Common Terms
From AHWiki
- Clutter
- Objects such as trees and barns that are automatically placed on the terrain by the Terrain Editor.
- Group Master
- An object such as an air field, that is placed on the terrain as a single object, but actually consists of many objects that can be destroyed.
- Object
- Any item in the game, such as a tower, runway, tree, barn etc.
- Quad
- A 1 square mile cell(grid) divided into 4 sections.
- Strat
- Strategic, uncapturable objects in the game.
- Texture
- What is displayed to the player to give a visual appearance to an object or the terrain. Many times confused with Tiles because terrain textures must "tile" seamlessly with each other.
- Tile
- An object. Such as a clutter tile that may contain both objects and textures.