[[Category:Player Biographies|Flozer]
This article is about the Player with the callsign flozer
Personal Data[edit]
- Year of Birth: 1972
- Gender: Male
- Country: FRANCE
- City: Paris
- Occupation: Creative Director, advertising agency. Bass teacher when time is available.
- Interests: Jazz (Bass), Warbirds, History in general.
Pilot Data[edit]
- Callsign: flozer
- Squad: Airmen Ltd.
- Prefered Planes: Spit8/9
- WarBirds since: 2007
- AH since: 2008
- System: PC and MAC
- Prefered Joystick: Saitek X52 / Track IR w. Track Clip Pro
- Real Life Flight Experience: As a passenger mostly, in DC3 (flight) and B17G (rollin') for old birds.
About me[edit]
Member of the French Association "FTV", helping for the restoration of the "Pink Lady", B17G (last french based B17G in good flight conditions).