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Call sign : WindyCty

Squadron : (+)_Precision

Website :

Precision Avatar.gif

Usually found in Late_War_Main_Arenas as a smoking hole in the ground.

                                                                                                                                  Sox game.jpg


Country: Knights

Favorite Fighters: P-51D, F6F Hellcat, Spitfire Mk XVI, P-38J

Favorite Bombers: B-17G, B-24J, B-25C

Favorite GV's: Sherman T-34 Panzer

Favorite way to irritate: Destroying GVs with an IL-2, Dog fighting while flying a TBM Avenger.

Cool/weird/stupid things I've done in game: Landing 7 victories in a PT Boat. Landing a B-17G on a CV, undamaged. Landing bomber Mossy on a CV and getting 3 proxy kills while on final approach.

Equipment: .

  • Saitek X52 Joystick and throttle
    Antec Desk Top Gaming PC
    • Intel i7 CPU


    • Born in the Chicago area. I've always been interested in aviation. As a kid I was always building model model airplanes especially warbirds.

As I got older I moved over to R/C planes. I served 4 years in the U.S. Navy as a Sonar Technician on the destroyer USS Spruance DD-963. After the Navy, I went to school to become an aircraft mechanic. I worked on corporate aircraft in Houston, TX. at Beechcraft. I currently work at O'Hare International Airport for a leading avionics company maintaining in flight entertainment systems for the airlines. I have a busy work schedule so I try to play AHII when I can. I still need to finish my R/C planes. I have a F6F Hellcat that needs repair. I'm in the middle of building a J-3 Cub with a 6ft wingspan but I'm going to convert it to an L-4 Grasshopper. I also have a P-51D in the box that I haven't even started on yet.


    • Gender Male
    • USA
    • Chicago
    • Single

See Also[edit]