332nd Fighter Group

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15th United States Army Air Force | 306th Fighter Wing | 332nd Fighter Group | 99th Fighter Squadron | 100th Fighter Squadron | 301st Fighter Squadron | 302nd Fighter Squadron

From: Commanding Officer, 332nd Fighter Group

To: Aces High Players Looking for a New Home.

Subject: Reliving History with the 332nd Fighter Group

Welcome to the home of the 332nd Fighter Group. This group seeks to honor the sacrifice of those that have represented African Americans in aerial

combat in World War II. This squad has no racial bias or stringent credo. It simply represents a brave and honorable group of men that fought

and died like every other pilot in World War II. Our main focus is to have fun.

The 332nd Fighter Group is a dedicated Rook group looking for pilots who will dedicate themselves to the Rook cause.

We will not have a squad night; rather we will fly together when possible supporting other Rook squads as bomber escorts and in interdiction missions.

Our secondary mission will be to support AH Special Events in any way possible. By providing players to fill seats in scenarios,FSO, SEC, and SNAPSHOTS.

We hope that members of this squad will take a special interest in AH special events in the form of becoming a CMs, skin designers, and or terrain builders.

We hope to make this a central point for players who are interested in furthering their personal involvement in the back office of Aces High II.

800px-Tuskegee airmen.jpg

The 332nd Fighter Group is currently supporting the following MA activities;

Fighter SweepsFurballsBase CapturesAnti-Horde Missions

The 332nd Fighter Group will be supporting the following AH special events;

Weekly SNAPSHOTSMonthly SECTDI - This Day In World War IIScenarios and FSO

We invite you to join us and share in some fun and exciting combat flying adventures. If you are interested in joining send a PM swareiam.


Please visit our website for more details.



-- Redtail7 - 332nd FG - Commanding 09:16, 6 July 2014 (CDT)