AHWiki:Player organization page guidelines
Revision as of 22:10, 18 May 2008 by Murdr (talk | contribs) (Protected "AHWiki:Player organization page guidelines" [edit=sysop:move=sysop])
The Player Organizations category is a special category where associations beyond the Squadron level provided in the game, may introduce themselves and provide links to external sites for more information. Pages in this category should conform to the guidelines listed in this article.
Pages in this category should contain
- A brief introduction paragraph, and external link(s).
Pages in this category may contain
- An official logo, as recognized by its members.
- Any policies recognized by its members which would be relevant to a reader interested in joining.
Pages may not contain
- Subjective commentary, or statements.
- Fictional material or parody.
Linking from other AHWiki pages
Editors should refrain from spamming other wiki pages with links to their page in this category. For example, an organization devoted to the P-51 is not entitled to place links on pages intended to provide information on the P-51 aircraft.
How to create a squad page on AHWiki
- Enter the title of the page you want to create into the search box at left and hit Search.
- On the result page, right under "Search Results", you will see "You searched for YourOrganizationsName". Hit the red YourOrganizationsName link.
- Start typing to create your page, and add this at the bottom of the page before saving:
A link to your squad page will then automatically appear on the Player Organizations page, which is linked from the Culture page.