Bf 110G-2

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This aircraft page is in two sections:
World War II aircraft
Bf 110G-2
Bf 110G-2
Variant of Bf 110G
Type Heavy Fighter/Night Fighter/Fighter-Bomber
Country of origin Germany
Manufacturer Bayerische Flugzeugwerke
Crew Two crew
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The Bf 110G-2 in World War II[edit]


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Aces High II aircraft
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Variant of Bf 110G
Type Heavy Fighter/Fighter-Bomber
Aces High II loadout options
Package 1 2x 20mm MG 151/20 cannons, 350-400rpg
2x 30mm MK 108 cannons, 120-135 rpg
Package 2 2x 20mm MG 151/20 cannons, 350-400 rpg
2x 20mm MG 151/20 cannons, 200 rpg
2x 30mm MK 108 cannons, 120-135 rpg
Package 3 2x 20mm MG 151/20 cannons, 350-400 rpg
2x 30mm MK 108 cannons, 120-135 rpg
2x 250kg bombs
Package 4 2x 20mm MG 151/20 cannons, 350-400 rpg
2x 30mm MK 108 cannons, 120-135 rpg
2x 500kg bombs
Options 4x 50kg bombs, or
2x or 4x 210mm WGr21 rockets
2x 300l drop tanks
Rear Gun: Twin-barreled 7.92mm MG81Z with 750 rpg
Aces High II Main Arenas
Earliest MA Mid War
Typical perk cost 0 (Late War)
ENY value 10 (Late War)
Available on carrier no
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The Bf 110G-2 in Aces High II[edit]

There are quite a few good attack planes in AH and the Bf110G2 is amongst the leaders. A late model of Bf110, this one packs an incredible array of guns and bombs over long distances and with reasonable speed. The 110 is also a decent heavy fighter when "light" and flown well. While not up to par with the P-51 and La-7, it can be ranked along with the 109E4, P-40E, and maybe even the spit V.

Engine Power[edit]

The Bf110-G2 has a marginal low level cruise speed of around 307mph (317mph with WEP), making it notably slower than most other attack aircraft at low level. This improves pretty quickly though at by only 6.5K the 110G2 can cruise at 340mph, a decent speed with little climbing investment. Speed doesn't improve all that quickly above that but does top out at around 370mph @ 22k (with WEP). Climb time to those types of altitudes is not typically practical though. Climb rate near sea-level is around 2,200ft/min, depending on load, and slowly tapers off to around 1,800ft/min by 10K. Acceleration is not great, around the middle of the pack at lower altitudes but falls off considerably at high altitudes (over 16K). WEP duration is very good, 9 minutes, and can be used a little more than typical although it is very important to have WEP in reserve when you need it. Fuel duration is about 38 minutes with the option to extend that another 17 minutes with drop tanks. Unusually, the drop tanks do not occupy a position normally reserved for ordinance so can be a valuable option if range is an issue without impacting total carrying capacity. Also against the norm is that external options don't appear to impair performance as much on the Bf110G2 as on other aircraft.

Aces High II Performance Charts[edit]

Bf 110G-2 speed chart Bf 110G-2 climb chart


The 110G2 has an excellent firepower capacity in both mounted guns and bombs/rockets. The primary gun package comes in 2 main versions, a twin 20mm/twin 30mm setup (750 and 255 rounds respectively) and a four 20mm/twin 30mm package (1150 and 255 rounds respecitively). The other options you see are the same two versions but with external bomb stores included. The four 20mm option does away with any ability to carry bombs on the center station, a big minus (the extra 400 20mm rounds can't do as much damage as two bombs they'd replace) . The internal guns are exceptionally well suited to strafing of structures, offering good concentration and easy aiming, though the ballistics of the cannons are not well matched at longer ranges. Against air targets most people find some difficulty with the guns because of aiming issues and the lesser maneuverability of the aircraft in general, though the guns themselves are certainly in excess of what is required to kill anything. A rear gunner position exists with twin (not a single as in the help) 7.9mm gun with 750 rounds/gun. This is minimally effective and offers little in the way of protection. External ordinance includes a centerline station for two bombs up to 500kg in size and wing racks for four rockets or four 50kg bombs. The rockets are technically designed for anti-air work but are equipped with impact fuzes making them equally useful against structures. Each rocket is approximately equivalent to a 200lb bomb. As mentioned earlier, the drop tank options occupy their own position and don't impact ordinance carriage. Total ordinance carried by the Bf110G2, cannons and bombs combined, is probably the highest of any aircraft in AH, and the reasonable range and performance at low levels tends to make it a popular under-radar striker at meduim or longer ranges.


Good, especially for an aircraft of it's size and weight, it is certainly not a fighter but can probably beat most peoples expectations. When light of ordinance and cannon ammo I tend to feel it gets even better although heavily loaded it certainly suffers in speed and handling. The 110G2 can tend to wallow at low speeds and the roll is not terribly responsive and the pure size certainly makes some sorts of manuevers "delayed" in action. Zoom climb, especially under WEP, is pretty good and vertical maneuvering appears to be better than in a Mosquito. High speed compression is comparable to Me 109s', and while the aircraft can be flown pretty hard and still remain relatively controllable, structural limit is right around 500mph. The first parts to break off are the elevators.

Flap speeds are 200 (three first notches), 175, and 150 IAS.

Fighting in the Bf 110G-2[edit]

There are numerous good attack aircraft in AH and they seem to go through waves of popularity only to have it lost again. The Bf110 came to the forefront after the introduction of a couple of very successful planes like the Mosquito but pretty much replaced most of them in the attack role. Currently it seems to have lost popularity because it is not terrifically suited to dealing with fighters after the attack role is complete nor does it work well as a suicide style attacker as most fighters can easily catch it in transit or in the terminal dive. A number of people have also been moving to even larger attack aircraft like the A20, which can absorb more damage, are a little faster at low levels, has heavier rear-guns, and packs nose mounted .50's that are easier to aim than the Mg 151/20,

Offensively, the 110G2 is typically used as a medium-long range attack aircraft, a role where other aircraft tend to have to trade ordinance for extra range. It is not a great aircraft for anti-fighter work but can effectively deal with fighters if given a slight advantage to start with. The strafing abilities are excellent but it is important to lighten the aircraft as soon as possible of external ordnance as the 110G2 handles better withouth rockets/bombs/droptanks. If given the choice, enemy fighters are best BnZ'd from above or left for friendly fighters, but don't be afraid to take a shot or two if given the opportunity. You should have lots of 20mm to fire so don't be shy and don't use the 30mm unless you are in good shooting positions. Head-On's are more likely to be successful and the 110-G2 may even absorb enough damage and still allow you to fly away, but the 110G2 is also a large target. You certainly don't lack the firepower to win a HO though, it's simply a matter if you can survive the reprisal attack. Typically, you may want to empty your 30mm quickly, early in your strafing attacks or maybe retain a few rounds incase you need them later. I typically have tried to keep 5-10 rounds remaining incase I bump into an target of opportunity (low bomber) on my return to base as even just a few 30mm can cause massive destruction. Don't really attempt GV's as neither the 20mm or 30mm are effective against anything with decent armour. M3's or M8's are fair game but your likelihood of knocking out a Panzer with guns is exceptionally low.

Defensively, try and avoid fighters unless you have advantage and give yourself extra time to remove yourself from a fight before you get too low/slow. Take any snapshot you can and try and maintain what energy you have for as long as possible. The 110G2 can be surprisingly nimble plane until you run it low on energy at which time Spitfires, and such, will jump all over you. The rear gunner really offers little/no defensive capacity unless you are totally out of other options. Remember that the 110G2 is a large target though and will tend to get pinged a little easier and slowly beat up. Also, the 110G2 doesn't seem to stand up to large calibre hits any better than some fighters, so taking 20mm rounds is going to get your hurt pretty quickly.

Fighting against the Bf 110G-2[edit]

The Bf110G2 can be a tough cookie for something that weighs over 15,000 pounds. It has pretty good power and maneuverability for a large aircraft and the firepower can make any shot opportunity almost a sure kill. It's really one of those planes that can surprise you quickly and then give you little chance to recover from a mistake. Though it is usually used in the attack role it is almost inevitable that they often get used in a anti-fighter role near the ground. While this is not an environment that favors the Bf110-G2 it does an admirable job and can often surprise those not familiar with it's characteristics.

Offensively a good tactic is to try and drive the energy out of the G2. It isn't a great climber or accelerator and its performance degrades below average near sea-level. BnZ if at all possible while staying out of guns range. Never Head-On a Bf110, it contains enough firepower to ensure you will lose and the size of the airframe tends to make the Bf110 far more survivable than a single engined fighter. Never allow a Bf110-G2 to get his nose around on you for even a brief second as that is all it needs in order to deal fatal damage. Try and stay out of the reach of the relatively short ranged 20mm and 30mm cannons. If you are in a good turner then you can try and slow the Bf110 down and out-turn it. The turn rate on the Bf110 is fair but the radius tends to be fairly large so something like a Spitfire won't have many troubles in a sustained turn-fight. Don't get too worried about the tail guns though you don't really want to get hung up in their fire for long if you can help it. Usually though the pilot will instead try to maneuver you into forward guns range so he can blast you with those. Any sort of lag turn will put you below the firing arc of the tail guns since they cannot depress past level.

Defensively, be very careful about the Bf110 as it is a true killer when it has the edge. It can hide energy well in speed since it has a lot of mass. It also has what is probably the best all-round snapshot in the game at short to medium ranges You cannot afford to give it any opportuntity to open fire on you. The Bf110 gets rather heavy at high speeds and can be out-dove. The 110 suffers maneuverability problems as low as 475mph and is unlikely to be able to chase at those speeds. It also suffers at lower altitudes so a dive tends to put it at a disadvantage. Remember that at sea-level the top speed of a Bf110 with WEP is only 316mph, easily in the lower category of aircraft that are typical in the arena. Anyone who can't easily out-run it should be able to out-turn it. Spitfires, Hurricanes, N1K should all easily out-turn the Bf110 at lower speeds. Try and drag into a tight climbing spiral to slow him down. Keep it tight in order to not give any lead shots. Once slow the Bf110 will be far less maneuverable and will likely give up altitude in order to try and build up speed and turn rate again.

A couple of last thoughts, the Bf110 is a real opponent even though it is most commonly used in the attack role. The real key is to never allow the guns to have a shot at you. The Bf110 is far better in the vertical than other similar use planes like the Mosquito so many of the looping and altitude tricks you can use to beat the mossie simply won't work. The Bf110 is a large target though and has a pretty weak rear assembly that can break with only a few hits. Try and land hits and be aggressive. While the firepower can be frightening it still takes a pretty good Bf110 pilot to beat a fighter under equal starting conditions.

External Links[edit]

Soda's Aircraft Evaluations