Building the Terrain

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One More Step

Unless you have created a final clipboard map for the terrain, you should do so now.

The terrain editor can create a final clipboard bitmap for use in the game. Click File>Make Map and you will be presented with this window:

Make Map Window

The default settings are correct for a default map. Just click OK and the map will be created as map.bmp in your terrain folder. ie: ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr/map.bmp

This file must be converted to an 8-bit 256 Indexed Color bitmap, and saved in your terrain's texsrc folder with the same name as your terrain. ie: ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr/texsrc/myterr.bmp

Build the Terrain

To build the terrain, click File-->Build on the terrain editor main menu.

Your terrain will be built and the resulting .RES file will be saved in the ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr folder. ie: ../HTC/ah2editor/ahiiterr/myterr.res

To use the terrain in Aces High II, copy the .RES file to your Aces High II ahiiterr folder. ie: ../HTC/Aces High II/ahiiterr/myterr.res

Start the game and select Choose Terrain, select your new terrain and then choose Offline Practice.