Content Creation

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Welcome to Aces High II,
Content Creation

The Aces High II editors allow users to design terrains and objects to be used in Aces High.

Player designed terrains can be used offline, in head-to-head lan play, or submitted to HiTech Creations for approval for use in an online arena.

Downloading the Editors

The terrain, object, mission and cloud editors are contained in a single download which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Content Editors Page


The first step is to download either the Content Editors or the Offline Mission Editor to your computer. The proceedure is the same for either download.

The file you are about to download is the editor installation program and will install the editors on your computer when it is executed.

When you click on the link for the editors above you will be presented with a Windows dialog box prompt to Run, Save or Cancel the download. You need to press the Save button and not the Run or Cancel button.

Once you press this button, you will be presented with another prompt from Windows. This prompt allows you to pick the location on your computers hard drive to where you want to save the file. You will need to remember where you saved the download to, so make note of the location on your hard drive. Then press the Save button.

After pressing the Save button, a new window will appear showing the progress of the download.

When the download is complete, you can press the Open or Run button if it is available to you and this will start the installation of the editors. If you did not press the "Open" or "Run" button after the editors have been downloaded, you will need to navigate to the location on your hard drive where you saved it and double-click (left mouse button) on it to install the editors.

Once installed, from your Windows desktop, press the "Start" button, then select "Programs" or "My Programs" from the menu. If the editors were properly installed, you should see "Aces High Editors" in your programs list. From there, move your mouse cursor over the "Aces High Editors" menu and another menu item will pop up. From that pop-up, select the editor you wish to run.