Hellcat Fighter Group

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Hellcat Fighter Group is a collection of older and mature players that is always looking for new additions. Rank and score are never a concern, only FUN. If you don't have a sense of humor or thick skin then maybe we are not the squad for you. But if your looking to have fun and carry on then contact us in the Main Arena. We have been and will always be a Rook squad. Look for any one of our members if you have a question about joining!

77Splat ab8aac blanch Blivet boogyman Cobra521 DLO harry hits420 IGGY Infidelz Kamando mad2009 Mauser Nick2367 Nun Pollock Ponyace Razer Rebel59 Ripclaw SHLAYER T24 Tomcat21 Viper21 vonKrimm x35MMx Yurok