JG5 "Eismeer"

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JG5 "Eismeer"

JG5 emblem.jpg

In Aces High JG5 is headed by Commanding Officer and Founder Dolby/Cargnico.

We value the ability to work as part of a team and cameraderie not skill alone, whatever your level, we are sure that you will have fun flying with us! Our fundamental principle when we fly is to have fun and enjoy ourselves while working as a close knit team during aerial battles. We encourage competitive personalities so long as your personal goal does not become the focus of why you are flying, such as flying timidly in order to keep your score. We are looking for members that are willing to go save a squad mate in trouble, willing to help out defensively against the horde and are willing to fly together as a Squad. Space will be given for you to do your own thing - individual flair is something our group wishes to encourage not control. Thanks very much for reading Hope to be flying with you soon.


Aces High Squad Build.

JG5 is be limited to a maximum of 16 active members. The 16 will be split into 4 separate wings of 4 members, with corresponding Squad name and emblem, ie. I/JG5 II/JG5 etc. This is so that we will be able to work well as a unit in any environment without having to saturate an area by pure numbers, but rather by sound tactics and squad cohesion. Each section will be allowed to employ any type of wingtactic which works best.

JG5 in brief

Dolby started JG5 “Eismeer” from humble beginnings back in September 2011. Flying alone in the arena under the banner until recruitment opened in the 2012 New Year. The first member, Raphael joined that May and went to become the Executive Officer. Raphael and Dolby terrorised the Main arena in 109Es for months after and enjoyed fighting in early war rides in the LWMA which resulted in their first films together. Nearly 1 year after the squad was formed, the squad numbers doubled with the intake of Valen, a fantastic fighter and wingman. A month later another 2 joined the ranks. The following months JG5 enjoyed the recruitment of Ehrler, RedBull and Latrobe, valuable and talented fighters which helped bolster JG5 as a Top Ranked Fighter squad, managing 3 months in a Row at the height. 2012 Had proved to be a good year for JG5, fighting as a group, laughing and joking around. In 2013 the 1st half of the year had gone as well as 2012 but the air became stale as with any young AcesHigh squad, leading to JG5 being briefly disbanded for 2 months. Reforming in October of that year and starting with a whole new fresh slate, JG5 has bounced back into 2014 and has regained it's lost numbers and enthusiasm.

Propaganda Material




JG5 in Brief

Jagdgeschwader 5 (JG 5) Eismeer was a Luftwaffe fighter Wing that served during World War II. As the name Eismeer (Ice Sea) implies, it was created to operate in the far North of Europe, namely Norway, Scandinavia and northern parts of Finland, all nearest the Arctic Ocean. Just over two dozen fighter aircraft that once served with JG 5 during the war still survive to the present day, more than from any other combat unit in the Axis air forces of World War II.

History of JG5 in WWII


JG 5 was formed when elements of the I. Gruppe/JG 77[1] already stationed in Norway was redesignated as I./JG 5 in January 1942. The II. Gruppe was newly created and III. Gruppe was formed from elements of I./JG 1 in May. The unit had the responsibility for providing fighter-cover over occupied territories under Luftflotte 5, and also to provide fighter-support for the Heer (Army) units fighting on the Arctic front in the Murmansk area. JG 5 also had the important task of disrupting traffic on the Murmansk rail-line, as this was the main artery of the Karelian Front defenders. I. Gruppe was based on the west coast of Norway, in Stavanger, to defend against Allied anti-shipping attacks. II. and III. Gruppe was stationed at Petsamo in Finland, to support operations in the East. JG 5 had to cope with challenges that were unique within the Luftwaffe, from 24-hour days during summer when the sun never set, to the complete darkness and extreme cold of the Polar winter. By the beginning of Polar Summer of 1942, Luftflotte 5 had been reinforced and by July 1942 possessed a total of 250 serviceable aircraft. Operationally, these were controlled by Fliegerfuhrer Nord-Ost Obstlt. Walter Lehwess-Litzmann, responsible for operations over the front-line and by Fliegerführer Lofoten, Oberst. Ernst-August Roth, responsible for anti-shipping operations. Due to the air superiority established by II. and III./JG 5 early in the year, Luftflotte 5 enjoyed a numerical and considerable qualitative superiority, and the Soviet opposition amounted to just 170 serviceable combat aircraft. Fliegerführer Nord-Ost also benefited from a Freya early-warning radar network. During the Summer the Soviets brought in new units, including 20 lAP equipped with the new Yak-l and an effective counter to the Bf 109-F. On 19 July 7./JG 5's Lt. Bodo Helms and Ofw. Franz Dorr claimed one Yak-1 each, and Uffz. Werner Schumacher claimed two fighters shot down. ( Actual Soviet losses were five: a MiG-3, 3 Airacobras and Kittyhawks, and a Hurricane.) In return, JG 5's Fw. Leopold Knier and Uffz. Hans Dobrich (14 victories) were shot down. Both German pilots baled out. Knier was taken prisoner, but Dobrich walked back to his own lines. Luftflotte 5 recorded 26 combat losses in July 1942, while the VVS lost 32 of its own aircraft shot down or missing, mainly to JG 5. On 21 August, 6./JG 5 claimed 14 Soviet fighters shot down. According to Soviet records 2 LaGG-3s and 2 1-16s were shot down over Vayenga, and two aircraft made forced landings. JG 5 lost two Bf 109s, one flown by Staffelkapitän of 6./JG 5, ObIt. Hans Dieter Hartwein (16 Kills) posted missing. During this period, overclaims were made by both sides. JG 5 claimed some 72 victories in August, but Soviet records indicate 24 Soviet aircraft lost with another 7 damaged and 13 aircraft missing, and another 4 were shot down by ground fire. As 1942 wore on, the increased Allied air pressure towards Norway meant that a part of III. Gruppe and the newly created IV. Gruppe had to be stationed around Trondheim. A second part of III. Gruppe was stationed in Kirkenes, both to provide cover from marauding Soviet Air Force formations, and to help with the intensifying attacks against the Arctic convoys. Leutnant Heinrich Ehrler (6. JG 5) was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 September for 64 victories.


By January 1943 I. and IV./JG 5 were stationed in Southern Norway, being equipped with the Fw 190A-2, A-3 and A-4. I./JG 5 had its bases on Lista, Sola, Kjevik and Herdla in the southern part of Norway. IV./JG 5 were distributed on bases around Trondheim, and were equipped with Bf 109Fs and Fw 190As. II. and III. Gruppe faced the Soviets on the Polar Sea Front; at this time they were equipped with the Bf 109F-4. Stab, 4./JG 5 and 6./JG 5 were stationed in Alakurtti, 5., 8., and 9./JG 5 were stationed at Kirkenes and 7./JG 5 was based at Petsamo. As early as March 1943 6. Staffel (commanded by Hpt. Heinrich Ehrler) reached 500 victories. In early 1943 a Jabo (fighter-bomber) unit was formed within JG 5. 14.(J)/JG 5 was equipped with modified Fw 190A's and commanded by Hptm. Friedrich-Wilhelm Strakeljahn. In May 1943 the unit was responsible for the sinking of two submarines and two freighters within three days and by the end of 1943 has claimed to have sunk over 39,000 tons of Soviet merchant shipping in over 1,000 sorties. In June 1943 Oberstlt. Gotthard Handrick was transferred to 8. Jagddivision, and replaced by the Gruppenkommandeur III./JG 5, Major Günther Scholz. Mid 1943 also saw JG 5 at its maximum strength. It consisted of 14 Staffeln; 12 regular single-engined fighter Staffels equipped with the Bf 109 and Fw 190, one Bf 110-equipped Zerstörerstaffel and finally the Jabo unit, 14.(J)/JG 5 with the Fw 190. 1943 was also the last year in which JG 5's four Gruppen had any sense of operational unity. I and II. Gruppe left Norway and Finland for good in late 1943 to fight the rest of the war away from their parent Geschwader. In November 1943, I. Gruppe moved to Romania as protection for the vital Ploiesti oil refineries. The gruppe were placed under the command of Luftflotte 1 for the remainder of 1943. Gruppenkommandeur since February 1943 is Hauptmann Gerhard Wengel. He died defeinding Sofia in combat with USAAF on 10 January 1944, when, after I./JG 5 jet fighters destroed 3 "flying fortresses", his Me 109 crashed near Radomir. On 26 March 1944 Hauptmann Horst Carganico was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 5 participating in the Reichsverteidigung (Defense of the Reich). After combat with USAAF B-17's on 27 May 1944, he was killed when his Bf 109 crashed after hitting high tension cables while force-landing near Chevry, France. Carganico had claimed 60 kills.


Hauptmann Gerhard Wengel Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 5 "Eismeer" memorial slab in Sofia In 1944 I. Gruppe was redesignated as III./JG 6 and sent to France, and it was never replaced. In June - July 1944, Gruppenkommandeur Theodor Weissenberger was credited with 25 victories over Normandy (half the total score by the whole unit during this period). II. Gruppe was transferred to Northern Russia under the command of Luftflotte 1, and then redesignated as IV./JG 4 and sent back to Germany in early 1945. IV./JG 5 and 14./JG 5 were transferred to the Arctic Front from Southern Norway in August 1944. The Gruppe joined the first of several large air battles commencing on October 9, opposing the final Soviet offensive against Petsamo. When the day was over, III. and IV./JG 5 had claimed 85 Soviet aircraft shot down (among them the 3,000th victory for JG 5) against the loss of only one pilot killed. On 1 August 1944 Major Heinrich Ehrler was promoted to Geschwaderkommodore of JG 5. In November 1944 IV./JG 5 returned to Southern Norway. Up to the end of the war this unit formed the air defence against the Allied raids on targets in Norway, principally the submarine bases at Trondheim and Bergen. The Sinking of the Tirpitz On 12 November 1944 Avro Lancaster bombers of 9 and 617 Squadrons raided the Tirpitz in Tromsø fjord. Major Ehrler scrambled to intercept at the head of a formation of JG 5 Bf 109G's, but the fighters were too late. The Tirpitz was sunk with the loss of a thousand sailors. Ehrler was court martialed and sentenced to three years Festungshaft, and stripped of his command. (He was killed flying with JG 7 on 4 April 1945).



Throughout its operational history JG 5 found itself faced with overwhelming numbers of Soviet aircraft. Often groups of 100-200 bombers and fighter planes had to be met with 20-30 German fighters. The losses suffered by JG 5 were remarkably low in comparison to the losses they inflicted on the enemy. However, total losses of pilots (dead, captured or wounded) was at least 380 - essentially the entire operational strength replaced twice over three years. Total claims for aircraft shot down appear to be approximantely 3,200. In addition to the 208-kill ace Ehrler, JG 5 boasted several other high scoring aces, including Theodor Weissenberger, who scored 208 victories and Walter Schuck who scored 206 victories and was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves.

JG 5 airmen awarded the Knight's Cross

The name and rank, the last unit of JG 5, JG down at 5 in total victories, Knight's Cross

• OFW. Heinrich Bartels 8./JG 5, 1947 by JG 5, 99 total, 13 November 1942

• OFW. Albert Brunner 6./JG 5, 1953 with JG 5, 53 total, 7 March 1943

• Maj. Horst Carganico I. / JG 5, JG 56 at 5, 60 total, 25 September 1941

• HPT. Hugh Dahmer I. / JG 77, JG 25 on 77, 57 total, 8 January 1941

• Lt. Hans Dobrich 6./JG 5, 65 at JG 5, 65 total, 19 September 1943

• HTP. Franz Dörr III. / JG 5, 122 in JG 5, 128 total, 19 August 1944

• Maj. Heinrich Ehrler Commodore JG 5, JG 200 at 5, 204 total, 21 October 1942, August 2, 1943 Oak Leaves

• Lt. Rudi Linz 12./JG 5, 70 at JG 5, 70 total, March 1945

• Lt. August Mors 1./JG 5, JG 60 at 5, 60 total, 24 October 1944

• OFW. Rudolf Muller 6./JG 5, 1994 by JG 5, 94 total, 19 June 1942

• Lt. Helmut Neumann 14./JG 5, 62 at JG 5, 62 total, 12 March, 1945

• Lt. Norz Jacob 11./JG 5, 117 in JG 5, 117 total, 26 March 1944

• Obl. Walter Schuck 10./JG 5, 198 in JG 5, 206 total, 4 August, 1944, Oak Leaves 30 September 1944

• HPT. Strakeljahn Friedrich-Wilhelm 14./JG 5, 9 with JG 5, 9? total, 19 August 1943

• Maj. Wiessenberger Theodor I. / JG 5, JG 200 at 5, 208 total, 13 November 1942, February 8, 1943 Oak Leaves