This article is about the Player with the callsign jing0
Personal Data
- Year of Birth: 1983
- Gender: male
- Country: UK
- City: Chester
- Occupation: Sales agent
- Interests: wargaming, railway modeling, reading, drinking.
Pilot Data
- Callsign: jing0
- Squad: PARROTS
- Prefered Planes:Hurricane
- WarBirds since: A few months in 2007
- AH since: early 2007
- System: a cheap pc that goes by the name of "AARRGGHHH!!! Work You B***H!"
- Prefered Joystick: Logitech Extreme 3d pro (not really prefered as such...just happens to be the one I use...)
- Real Life Flight Experience: I saw a plane once.
About jing0
Erm.....I like scotch, bacon butties and fixing things.