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This aircraft page is in two sections:
World War II aircraft
Nicknames Thunderbolt, Jug
Type Fighter/Interceptor
Country of origin United States
Manufacturer Republic
Crew Single-seat
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The P-47M in World War II


Unit Deployment

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Aces High II aircraft
Nicknames Thunderbolt, Jug
Type Fighter/Interceptor
Country of origin United States
Manufacturer Republic
Crew Single-seat
Aces High II loadout options
Aces High II Main Arenas
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The P-47M in Aces High II

Engine Power

Aces High II Performance Charts

In Game Test Data
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P-47M speed chart P-47M climb chart


Essentially unchanged from the earlier P-47 models, you have the choice of either six or eight gun .50 cal packages with the option for 267 rounds/gun or 425 rounds/gun. With earlier P-47s a favourite choice was the 8 gun, light ammo, package as a trade off for performance yet good hitting power. The short range/duration of the earlier P-47s simply meant you tended to run out of fuel before ammunition but that has changed with the P-47M. The high ammo package provides a full 30 seconds of firing, exceptional, while the light ammo load still provides ~19seconds worth of firing. The impact of the extra weight doesn’t feel as significant probably due to the increased wing area and engine power.

Convergence is a matter of preference but in general in AH2 shorter ranges are better. If you are very consistent in target range then set it short-medium, D400 or less, at a point. This will give very good hitting power as the volume of fire from 8 guns is incredible. If you tend to get inconsistent distanced shots then setting a convergence zone by spreading the guns over a small range (D100 or so) is a good tactic as it gives a decent shot-gun effect. It is also possible, if intending to strafe or attack bombers, to set the convergence out of maximum at D650 to give some standoff. Velocity on the guns is very good so there is little appreciable drop in round flight, aiming tends to be quite easy and flat.


Fighting in the P-47M

Fighting against the P-47M

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