Twelfth Air Force, North Africa (Offline Mission)

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Twelfth Air Force, North Africa is an offline mission package created by soda72.




In Tunisia, B-17s of the 97th Bombardment Group, with P-38 escorts from the 14th Fighter Group, will bomb the rail facilities and harbor area at Tunis.


The package contains two missions:

Mission: 97th Bombardment Group Twelfth Air Force[edit]

B17s of the 340th Bomber Squadron Flight I (97th Bombardment Group)[edit]

  • Four B-17 bombers. Mission - attack city near Tunis.

P-38Js of the 48th Fighter Squadron Flight I (14th Fighter Group)[edit]

  • Two P-38J fighters. Mission - Escort 340th Bomber Squadron Flight I.

Mission: 3rd Gruppe of Jagdeschwader 77 (III./JG 77)[edit]

Protect Tunis area from allied bombers.

  • Bf 109f-4 of 2./JG 77 Schwarm I (4 fighters)
  • Bf 109f-4 of 2./JG 77 Schwarm II (4 fighters)
  • Bf 109g-2 of 2./JG 77 Schwarm III (4 fighters)


These missions requires the tunisia map, which is included with the zip file.

Note that this is an updated tunisia map - please install this new map even if you already have an older tunisia map.


Download link[edit]

Installation instructions[edit]

  • Once is extracted, you will find two folders named ahiiterr and offmiss.
  • Simply copy all the files in ahiiterr into your C:/Program Files/HTC/Aces High II/ahiiterr folder, and copy the tunisia1.mis file from offmiss into your C:/Program Files/HTC/Aces High II/offmiss folder.
  • As with any offline mission, run Aces High, choose the terrain first (tunisia), then go to Offline Practice and select Practice Missions. You will then see the missions available, with various options.

See also[edit]