Call sign : Kingpen
Squadron : (+)_Precision
Website :
Usually found in Late_War_Main_Arenas fly'n a dweeb ride.
Country: Knights
Favorite Fighters: FM2, P-47M, Fw_190-A5, Bf_109F-4, P-51D
Favorite Bombers: Lancaster, B-26B, Ju-87
Favorite GV's: Tiger or Wirbelwind
Favorite way to irritate: Destroying Unsuspecting Tanks with FM2 Rockets
Cool/weird/stupid things I've done in game: Once went two sectors and diving from 20k to realize i dropped my drop tanks on hangar, simply forgot the bombs.
Equipment: Currently use Compaq and Dell computers running Windows XP . Saitek joystick.
.Lived abroad growing up from South Arica, Namibia, Germany then back to the USA Served in USMC for 12 active years and 6 reserve 18years combined beginning in 1987 Attended Belmont University Nashville TN. Bachelor of Arts in History and Philosophy..somewhat useless degrees Divorced and enjoying being single again.. Got my first pilot license in 1994 private.. went on since to get more certifications including Instrument and a Twin Rating. Im nerdy so i like historical documentaries. Youtube documentary junky. Currently work for Commercial Property Management Company. Adrenaline seeker and AH addict.
[[Image:|Coming Soon]]
- Born in 1968
- Gender Male
- USA reside currently in Tennessee
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