
An Aces High subscription is $14.95 per month in US Dollars.

1. Accepted Forms of Payment:
Credit/Debit Cards - Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover

Prepayment - Check or Money Order mailed to:

HiTech Creations, Inc.
Attn: Accounts
11751 Alta Vista Rd
Suite 203
Keller, TX USA 76244


or Paypal payment sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prepayments must be in US Dollars. Please include your login ID and name on all payments. You may print a copy of our Prepay Form to mail in with your check or money order.

2. Billing Cycle - All HiTech Creations members are billed in advance. Upon subscribing after the initial two week trial period, you will automatically be billed for one (1) month fee. You will be billed on the same date for each subsequent month of membership.

3. Billing/Pricing Changes - HiTech Creations reserves the right to change its rates and prices at any time, effective upon a 30-day written or electronic notice to current HiTech Creations members.

4. Deleted Accounts - Once a members account has been deleted, by HiTech Creations or member, it CANNOT be reactivated. A new account would need to be created with a e-mail address for reception of password. No guarantee is made or implied regarding the availability of the same handle or game ID.

5. Suspension of Privileges - HiTech Creations reserves the right to suspend access to Aces High for the member immediately, without notice, upon rejection of any credit card charges, non-payment, dishonor or chargeback by Subscriber's bank of authorized charges or any other indication of credit problems, or for any reason whatsoever at HiTech Creations sole discretion without recourse from member.

6. Returned checks - There will be a $25.00 USD service fee for any returned checks.

7. Sales Tax - All TEXAS users will be charged 7.25% sales tax.

Flight Sim Screen Shots