We saw such a comment about combat simulator games the other day, online, down some rabbit hole of gaming reviews. The person, who certainly has a right to their opinion, said that combat flight simulators romanticize warfare, and that a precedence like that is dangerous for children and teens.
We decided to meet that criticism/opinion head on with this article.
We are HiTech Creations, and for the last twenty-three years, we have been developing and producing Aces High, our exciting flight simulator game. After twenty-three years of production, we feel our opinion has some weight to it, so here it is.
Our purpose when originally developing Aces High.
You do not develop a game like Aces High without a sincere passion, and respect, about the genre, and for us that passion and respect was reserved for World War2. No, we did not ever consider a romanticized version of World War 2, but rather our intention was to develop a game which reflected our respect for those who fought in that war.
In point of fact, our mission statement, back in 1999 when we first decided to develop Aces High, was to make one game, and one game only, to make that game the best in its genre, and to make that game in a respectful manner so it reflected well on those who participated in World War 2.
And, quite frankly, we believe we have been true to that mission statement.
Our articles reflect how we feel about warfare.
If you take the time to read the many articles we have posted about different aspects of the war, you will discover the articles are historical in nature and not one negative statement is made in any of them, and we are talking hundreds of articles. We simply relate the facts, as we know them, and in no way give an opinion nor do we try to sway anyone towards an opinion.
Many of us had relatives who fought in World War 2, and if there is one lesson, from them all, which is common, it is that war is horrible and should never be cheapened by an article, a video, or a game.
Emphasis on action and community, not bloodshed and death.
We challenge you to find a less-violent war game on the market. We do not show splashes of blood. We do not use graphics to shock; we are an action game, a strategy game, and the end result is bombs exploding and arsenal hitting aircraft.
In order to win constantly on Aces High World War 2 flight simulator, you must learn how to interact with other players; form squads and work together; learn how to plan missions through give and take in strategy meetings. The goal is to win an encounter and have a successful mission, and certainly not to rack up blood splatters and fill the screen with painful images. To us, graphics like you see on so many games cheapens the genre as a whole, and we refuse to be a part of that cheapening.
A final note about Aces High flight simulator.
So, to the person who left that comment, we are sorry you feel that way. Try our free two-week download of Aces High flight sim game, and see for yourself what Aces High is all about.