Flight Simulators

The popularity of online gaming, which it is safe to say far exceeded expectations when gaming first started, is attributable to several factors, and in today’s article we will delve into those factors.

We are HiTech Creations, developers of the wildly popular Aces High, the combat simulator which has led the way in flight sim gaming since 2000. Check us out and try our free two-week download. Make up your own mind, through a two week experience, whether Aces High is for you.

We are betting it will be.

Reasons for online gaming popularity

Let’s list several reasons why we believe online gaming is so popular, then delve into each of them a bit further:

  1. Improved technologyenabling rich, immersive worlds and multiplayer connectivity.
  2. Accessibilitythrough mobile devices and free-to-play titles.
  3. Extensive varietyof games available.
  4. Affordabilityof online games.
  5. Socialization opportunitiesand the chance to build relationships.

Let’s begin with improved technology.

We’ve come a long way since Pong. Processors are bigger and more powerful. PCs have more RAM memory. We have found ways to pack a whole lot more things onto a screen than we once could, and it is all because of improved technology which, in turn, makes the games that much more realistic. It’s like being inside the game at times, and it will only get better.

Gaming is accessible to anyone with a gaming console or a PC, and that probably accounts for close to 75% of Americans. This is not a rich man’s game. This is a game practically everyone can play.

Extensive variety . . . you name the genre and there is a good chance there is a game associated with that genre. We do this for a living and we couldn’t possibly name all of the sub-categories of game types.

Affordable? Evidently it is based upon the popularity of gaming. The numbers don’t lie, and the numbers are increasing each year.

Finally, a reason not often mentioned, and that is socialization. Through forums it is possible to become an active member of a gaming community which will welcome and embrace you. Even loners and social outcasts can find a place where “everybody knows your name,” to borrow from the old tv comedy Cheers.

Reasons for Aces High popularity.

Which brings us to Aces High. Long before it was cool to be a gamer, Aces High burst onto the gaming scene with a game genre few had played. We took our players into combat, and we based that combat on actual World War 2 battles scenes, and the buying public was hooked and very satisfied.

Today we have grown, our technology has improved, and our forums are the location of some great community. It all adds up to twenty-four years of great gaming.

A final word about Aces High.

Aces High has led the way for longer than some of you reading this have been alive. We have spent twenty-four years improving our game, and that partially explains how we have been able to remain relevant for so long in this very competitive market. Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.

Flight Sim Screen Shots