Flight Simulators

Little known fact: MIT computer technicians developed the first video game way back in 1962, but it wasn’t until the mid-Seventies that the first home computer game was developed.

Since then it is safe to say that the gaming world has exploded with many options. If you are a gamer, or a gamer-to-be, you will not suffer from a lack of games to try, with the possibilities at your disposal easily numbering in the thousands.

Which leads us to this question: what genres are there in gaming? How many different types of games are available? We will tackle that question in this article by HiTech Creations, the developers of Aces High, one of the leading combat simulators since our inception in 2000. If you like your action fast and furious, you will love our flight sim game, Aces High.

Various gaming categories

Here are the major categories of gaming available to gamers:

  • Role-Playing Games (RPGs)
  • Sports Games
  • Racing/Simulation
  • Real-time Strategy (RTS)
  • Sandbox
  • Casual and Idle Games
  • Puzzle Games
  • Turn-based Strategy (TBS)
  • Action-Adventure

That is all well and good, but if we were to list the subcategories, it would easily number over fifty.

Pay close attention

Within those major categories/genres, you will quickly notice there is overlap for many games. Our own Aces High falls under Simulation, Strategy, and Action-Adventure, and the same can be said for almost all games available to the public.

To cut through the confusion, we give this description of our combat flight simulator on our website:

Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WW1 and WW2 air combat and sets it in a high intensity online multiplayer environment.  Hundreds of players simultaneously battle it out against each other in massive aerial dogfights and bomber raids.  

High fidelity flight simulation is the heart of Aces High but it doesn't end there.  A war rages on the ground and at sea.  Engage enemy armor in tank combat.  Protect your fleet as a gunner or make a torpedo run in a PT boat.  Lead an assault in an amphibious vehicle.  With over 100 warbirds, vehicles, and boats available, you have access to a vast virtual arsenal.

Still confused?

We don’t blame you if this “genre” question confuses you, and we certainly understand that you will want more information before you pay your hard-earned money for a game. That is why we always suggest that gamers sample a game before playing it.

Wait a second! Sample a game? Is that even possible?

It is with our Aces High flight simulator action game. We offer a free two-week download of Aces High, no credit card required. As long as your computer system has the basic hardware needed to play our game, and 99% of computers do, then you can simply download our game and have full access to the game for a full two weeks.

To our way of thinking that is the only way any gamer can truly determine if they will have fun playing that game. In fact, we are a bit surprised more gaming companies do not make a similar offer.

Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.

Flight Sim Screen Shots