How many times do you get that kind of an offer, to play a combat simulator game for free? Never? Well you have it now, and it’s been available for over two decades, AND you can find it with Aces High.
What is a combat simulator?
A combat simulator, also known as a combat flight simulator, flight sim game, or sometimes flight simulator, is a multi-player online game played in various battle arena. It is meant to simulate actual warfare, and is usually focused on a particular time period, like a World War 2 flight simulator. In the case of Aces High, you control the actions of aircraft, ground vehicles, and ships as you go into battle against other gamers from around the world.
How long is this combat simulator free?
The Aces High offer is good for two weeks, and we do not ask you to give us any credit card information during those two weeks, which makes this offer rather unique. You simply go to the homepage of Aces High, click on the “free download” link, and start the downloading process. It really is as simple as that. After two weeks, if you decide Aces High is not for you, you can wave goodbye to us and we will not bother you ever again.
During your two-week trial period, you will have full access to our game, to our forums, to our video library, and to our article archives. You can play the game against real players, ask questions of the staff, and be a full-fledged member of our team during your trial period. Quite frankly, this is the best giveaway in the gaming world, a deal where there is no downside for you.
Why are we giving it away?
This is a valid question, one we are asked often. On the surface, it would appear there must be some sort of catch. No one just gives something away for free. We must want something. Well, we do. We want you to become a member of the Aces High team, but we want you to be a satisfied member, and not some player who feels we didn’t deliver on our promise. We want you with us for a long time, and the best way to achieve that desire is to let you see for yourself just how good Aces High is.
Besides, we know how good our game is, so we are quite confident that you will sign up with us long-term. We are gambling that our game is good enough to convince you to become a full-time member.
A final word about Aces High.
Twenty-three years ago, the founders of Aces High sat down and they wrote out a mission statement. That mission statement said that they wanted to make one game, and one game only, and they wanted to make that game the best combat simulator on the market.
Twenty-three years later, that mission statement has not changed, and we believe we have achieved our goal. Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.