Flight Simulators

So many new PC games to choose from.

The holidays are rapidly approaching, Black Friday is a few days from now, and Christmas shopping will be in full swing. Which means, of course, that millions of PC games will be purchased for friends and loved ones.

Honestly, and we’re in the industry and we still find it amazing, how anyone can choose from all of the games available well, it’s quite amazing.

Which is the prompt for this article, by HiTech Creations, makers of Aces HIgh flight simulator, some guidelines to follow, some questions to ask, which hopefully will make choosing a PC game easier for you shoppers.

Questions to ask before buying.

  • Price: Price is something that's usually at the top of most people's list when they are looking to purchase a game, especially at the time of holiday sales.
  • Publisher: This is an interesting factor to consider especially in the age of microtransaction-heavy gaming. Does the manufacturer/developer have a good reputation in the industry?
  • Update Cadence: It's unrealistic to expect a game to be perfect upon release. Truth is, gaming developers should always be updating their games. This allows them to work out the kinks, so to speak, and to improve upon some features which have fallen short of expectations.
  • Genre: The genre of a game is very important and is not always apparent from the name of the game and promotional content released for it. Sometimes, promotional content can mislead the public.
  • Reviews: Take the time to research and read reviews on the games you are considering. It is quite easy to find reviews on practically every game being sold, and oftentimes they are quite revealing.
  • Specifications: Make sure the game is compatible with the PC which will be operating it. The specs should be apparent somewhere on the packaging.
  • Age rating: Important factor for parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents who are purchasing games for their little loved ones. Games are required to have an age rating on their website, so take the time to find it out.
  • Platform: Single platform or multiple platforms? As a general rule, games which are multiple platform perform better and are more satisfying to play.

Take them for a test drive.

This is the best word of advice you will find in this article. Sample the games you are considering. For example, our own Aces High offers a free two week download of our game, with no credit card information asked for or required. We think this is very reasonable. These games can be costly, and before we can expect customers to pay for our game, the least we can do is allow them to test it to see if they want to spend their money on it. Quite frankly, if a free version of a game is now available, it is our opinion that there is something the manufacturer wants to hide. Steer clear of those games.

A final word about Aces High.

We have been producing our combat simulator since 2000. For twenty-four years we have made one game, and one game only, is our quest to make the best combat flight simulator on the market. Take our game for that test drive we suggested. See for yourself what a great flight sim game looks like.

Flight Sim Screen Shots