Latest News
1. Fixed the look of the Arena "Enter Password" dialog.
2. If you are using drone formations, and you start to roll, and then stop, the drones no longer pop back to the starting position.
3. Fixed the color issue with transmission of voice ids.
4. Fixed the color issue with pickup mission flights.
6. View Head positions are now saved in VR mode.
7. Fixed the drone bug making it appear your drones were following another plane.
8. Fixed a sound issue with the film view causing doppler shifts when in external views.
9. External view now has an option to disable or enable roll (Options/Preferences/View Options)
10. Fixed an appearance issue int the GUI Settings dialog.
11. Fixed a VERY old (since WEP was written) issue where pressing the WEP key on planes which did not have WEP (like the B-17) would cause the temp gauge to jump.
This only effects the display on the gauge and not any performance.
12. Fixed an issue with the skins list being incorrect on some planes in the hangar. It would show some available which had not been downloaded.
13. Weapons no longer collide with leaves and stalks but still collide with branches. If you can drive threw it you can shoot threw it or be shot threw it.
14. Fixed a vehicle collision issue where the unstick code was pushing the vehicle the incorrect direction. (Needs testing)
May 18, 2011
Version 2.24 Patch 4 has been released and is available for download. We've added some improvements to the voice system along with other fixes and minor improvements. Check the information page for more details concerning this release and information needed to manually update the game.
As a reminder, if you are running a software firewall, and cannot connect after the patch is installed, you need to re-allow the game (aceshigh.exe) back through your firewall.
Update: We did a quick increment to Patch 4 to fix an issue causing the loss of voice comms if you minimized the game in Windows.
April 26, 2011
Version 2.24 Patch 1 has been released and is available for download. Check the information page for more details concerning this release and information needed to manually update the game. If you are running with a maximum texture size of 1024 or greater you will need to download the new hi-res texture pack.
As a reminder, if you are running a software firewall, and cannot connect after the patch is installed, you need to re-allow the game (aceshigh.exe) back through your firewall.
UPDATE: We've incremented the version from Patch 0 to Patch 1. We had to roll back the title screen art due to some Vista/Windows 7 users experiencing a problem launching 2.24 Patch 0 with the new title art. We also fixed other issues listed at the bottom of the information page.
May 5, 2011
Version 2.24 Patch 2 has been released and is available for download. We've added some improvements to the new vehicle system along with a number of fixes. Check the information page for more details concerning this release and information needed to manually update the game.
As a reminder, if you are running a software firewall, and cannot connect after the patch is installed, you need to re-allow the game (aceshigh.exe) back through your firewall.
March 3, 2011
Version 2.23 Patch 3 has been released and is available for download. Check the information page for more details concerning this release and information needed to manually update the game.
As a reminder, if you are running a software firewall, and cannot connect after the patch is installed, you need to re-allow the game (aceshigh.exe) back through your firewall.