If you look at the home page of the Aces High website, you will see information about special events posted there. If you are new to our Aces High combat simulator, you may wonder what that is all about.
Special events are large-scale battles with specific historical objectives, and anyone is invited to partake in them. They usually continue throughout the month, and they are an excellent way for new players to meet established, experienced players, and become an active member of the Aces High community.
Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High in this months Special Event.
We were asked this question last week, a player wondering why Aces High is such a great combat simulator, and so let’s tackle that today. The answer, as it turns out, is fairly simple.
When we started developing Aces High, back in 1999, our mission statement was to produce one game and one game only, and to make that game the best flight sim game on the planet.
We have not deviated from that mission statement for twenty-three years and that dedication to excellence, more than any other reason, is why Aces High is the best darned combat flight simulator on Earth. Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.
Here is a truism that those of us who live, work, and breathe Aces High believes in: great competition will make experienced players better. And, extending that truism a bit further, we can also say that great competition is not born but rather developed.
All of that is to say that we at HiTech Creations, makers of Aces High, welcome beginning players, and through our forums, training videos, articles, and one-on-one tutoring, we attempt to raise the level of play for all of our combat simulator competitors.
Having said that, we welcome you to try our free two-week download of Aces High, and find out for yourself just how much fun a flight sim game can be.
We made this same claim about Aces High when we introduced it to the public in 2000, and we are still making that claim today. However, the speed of that high speed may vary from player to player, and we will explain that cryptic message in this article.
We are HiTech Creations, the creators of Aces High, the combat simulator which has led the pack for twenty-three years. We invite you to read on and find out why Aces High has been so popular for so many years.
What does high speed really mean?
Here’s the thing about claims of high speed in the gaming industry: the speed at which you play any game is determined by your skill level and the capabilities of your computer or gaming console.
Every single year, the techs at HiTech Creations tweak our flight sim game, making it the best version it can be at that particular time. However, there is only so much we can do to make you a great gamer. The rest is up to you.
As with any skill, your prowess increases as your skill improves, and in the gaming industry, that means quicker reactions; in particular, with combat games like Aces High, quicker reactions means more and more wins. So, the first step in increasing your gaming speed is to improve your gaming skills.
And that means practice, and that means hour and hours of training and competition. That is why Aces High is loaded with forums, with articles, with training videos, and even offer one-on-one training should you need it, all aimed at increasing your speed and skill.
But your skill is only part of the high-speed discussion. The other part is the equipment you are using to play a game. How capable is your laptop? How many gigs is it packing? How good is the processor? Do you have a joystick? You can be the greatest gamer on the planet, but if you are playing with an inferior computer you will lost to some inferior players.
Thus, great skill plus great game plus great equipment truly equal high speed in the gaming industry.
No matter what it means, Aces High delivers on the excitement.
High speed or low speed, one thing we can promise: our combat flight simulator will give you countless hours of entertainment and exciting experiences. How do we know that? Because our customers have said that for twenty-three years. In this highly competitive gaming industry, do you really think Aces High would have survived if we did not deliver on the excitement?
Our mission statement is good as gold.
Twenty-three years ago we wrote down this mission statement: We were going to make one game, and one game only, and that game would be the very best combat simulator on the market.
We are still standing tall in 2023, our mission statement is still the same, and we invite you to give us a try. We offer a free two-week download of Aces High, no credit card required. That way you can see for yourself that what we are claiming is, in fact, the truth.
Summertime means long days and short nights, but as fall approaches, those days are shortening, the nights are lengthening, and that means more time for indoor activities, like playing Aces High, our exciting flight sim game.
Have you played Aces High? We’ve been around since 2000, twenty-three years of providing gaming fun for an entire generation, and we invite you to join our gaming community with our free two-week download of Aces High.
Spend not one dime for a full two weeks, with full access to the best combat simulator on the planet.
Say hello to fall, strap on your flight helmet, and fly the skies with Aces High.