WWII History

That is the question we pose to you today. What would you call a combat simulator which has been on the market for twenty-three years?

What say you? Would you call it experienced? Would you call it perfectly fine-tuned? Would you call it wildly popular? Would you call it a testament to longevity?

We have one more description we think needs to be considered for this question. We would call it THE BEST, and our combat flight simulator, Aces High, has met the test of time, has taken on all comers, and remains standing. Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.

Everyone loves some insider information on how to play video games/computer games with more skill, and that’s what we are giving you today in this article. We are HiTech Creations, developers of Aces High, the exciting combat simulator which has led the way for twenty-three years. Try our free two-week download today and find out for yourself just how good a flight sim game can be.

Various ways to improve your gaming skills.

As any gamer can tell you, there are quite a few options for learning any computer game.

You can read the instructional booklet/pdf, for sure. For those of you who learn by reading, this is a good first step.

Still in that vein, you can read the many articles posted about any particular game, and hopefully there will be an article specifically about the skill you are trying to improve.

You can go online and participate in forums. There you will find other players, some more experienced than you, and they will be able to give you suggestions regarding the best ways to handle certain gaming situations.

You can watch training videos on YouTube. There are hundreds of such videos available for players of any computer game, and surely you will be able to find some videos which can hone the skills which need honing.

And one more tip: you can ask for one-on-one instruction/training from a staff member, or volunteer, who has firsthand knowledge and experience playing that game. For many players, this one-on-one training truly is manna from the heavens.

The secret!

All of those learning methods are good, but we still believe there is one more which is the best of the best, and that is . . . to actually play the game, and play it often.

The secret? Practice, practice, and practice some more. Nothing hones those playing skills like actually playing a game. You can watch all the training videos, and read all of the forum posts and cheat sheets, but to really improve as a player, you need to dive into the competition and improve your skills in the heat of that competition.

Let us add that we think playing above your skill level will net the fastest results. You need to be pushed to your playing limits in order to increase your reaction time, and improve your hand/eye coordination, and nothing does those things better than playing against someone who is your playing superior. Sure, this means you will be defeated more often than not, but the losses will diminish over time, the victories will increase, and in a short amount of time you will be seeking out better competition. The student will become the teacher!

A final word about Aces High.

Twenty-three years ago, we wrote out our mission statement. That statement said we would only produce one flight simulator, and we would put all of our efforts into making that flight sim game the absolute best flight simulator on the market.

Twenty-three years later, that is still our mission statement, our guiding light for all the work we do.

Try our free two-week download of Aces High, and fly the skies with Aces High.

Check out the Aces High home page, and you will find a tab which says rankings. That tab will lead you to the rankings of all pilots who are currently playing Aces High, and you can find how you stack up against the rest of the Aces High community.

Rankings is just one way we bring an element of competition into all things related to our flight sim game. We not only offer ongoing competition, but we let you see how you are doing in a friendly ranking competition with all the other Aces High players.

Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High.

If you are looking for proof that Aces High is truly an outstanding combat simulator, look no further than the fact we have been producing our flight sim game since 2000. For twenty-three years we have taken on all competition, and we are still standing strong.

Find out for yourself by taking advantage of our free two-week download of Aces High, no credit card required. It’s just our way of showing you just how confident we are that you will join our team.

Strap on your flight helmet and fly the skies with Aces High. Once you’ve tried us, you won’t need any other combat simulator.

We are asked this question about our flight sim game quite often, so today we will tackle that question head-on.

Do we have a beginner’s guide for our exciting combat simulator, Aces High?

Read on to find out the answer to that question.

The quick answer is no!

If you are looking for a pdf which details step-by-step how to play Aces High, your search will net you nothing. That pdf instruction page does not exist. There are some independent instruction pages created by current and former players, but a how-to page created by the Aces High management team will not be found online.

The more important answer is, we think, more important.

Having burst that bubble, it is now time to tell you that there is no way we would leave you high and dry, searching aimlessly for answers about how our game is played. We would not have twenty-three years of success if we didn’t help our beginners to learn the ropes at Aces High.

To help players learn our combat flight simulator quickly, we offer several aids, one of which are the forums. There you can join in on helpful discussions about all facets of our Aces High game.

Another helpful aid are the instruction videos we offer, created by our dedicated staff and team of volunteers, people who have extensive experience and can pass that experience on to you in an easy-to-understand film format.

Do you learn by reading articles? Aces High, in the blog section, has hundreds of articles tackling all things Aces High. We also have a FAQs section where the most common questions are asked and answered.

Finally, if you are still having trouble with your transition to active player, we offer one-on-one instruction upon request, and invaluable tool which helps players immediately.

And, lest we forget, we offer a free two-week download of Aces High, so that you can actually learn the game, at no cost to you, during that free trial period. This is like taking a college course in gaming and not paying a penny for the course, and everyone knows, the best teacher in gaming is actual playing time.

So, do we have a beginner’s guide for Aces High? The answer is no, we don’t, but we believe we have something much, much better. Try it yourself, for free, and become a confident player before you pay any money on our game.

A final word about Aces High.

Back in 1999, the staff and management of Aces High sat down and wrote out a mission statement. That statement basically promised to make one game and one game only, Aces High, and to make that game the absolute best combat simulator on the market.

Twenty-three years later, we can tell you that our mission statement has not changed, and we continue to seek our goal, the present the absolute best flight simulator game on the market.

We believe our track record speaks for itself, and we invite you to try our game, for free, and find out for yourself just how much fun Aces High really is.