WWII History

If you currently play a combat simulator game, or if you are considering playing one in the near future, this article is, we believe, very important. We are HiTech Creations, the makers of Aces High, the wildly popular flight simulator game, which has been leading the way in gaming for twenty-three years. When it comes to a combat flight simulator game, we are the experts.

And we are going to share some expert opinions in this article, so let’s get started.

Almost every combat simulator on the market has this.

Truthfully, practically every combat simulator available has excellent graphics. This is the year 2023, and technology has advanced to the point where it is almost inconceivable that a game did not have outstanding graphics. And then toss in the advanced processors in computers and you have a scenario which leads to outstanding visual effects no matter which game you are playing.

Almost every combat simulator on the market also has this.

We also readily admit that almost all games on the market have a good support system, and that support system usually includes training videos, training articles, training forums, and even one-on-one training, like that offered by Aces High, should you need it. It is practically impossible for a player, first attempting to play any game, to not find considerable help in playing that game. Aces High takes it a step further; we actually give your game away for free for two weeks, the perfect amount of time for a new player to learn how to play our flight sim game, no cost involved.

The one thing you should be looking for is . . .

So, what is it that you should be looking for in a combat simulator or, for that matter, any game?

Look for experience!

Every single year there are dozens of new games on the market, and the one thing they all have in common is that they have “bugs” to work out. They have glitches. They have areas which need reprogramming. We know this because we were once a new game, way back in 2000, and we had bugs in our game, imperfections, which needed to be corrected. And so we went back to the drawing board, we tried this, we tried that, we came out with new versions and, truth be told, we are still tinkering with our game, after twenty-three years, to make it even better than it already is.

Write these words down and refer to them before you decide on the game you are going to purchase: you can’t beat experience!

A final word about Aces High.

Back in 1999, our small staff sat down, and we wrote out a mission statement. That mission statement was a simple one. We vowed to make one game and one game only, and we wanted that game to be the absolute best combat simulator in the world.

Twenty-three years later that is still our mission statement, still our goal.

Aces High is the result of twenty-three years, and we are proud of it. We invite you to try our free two-week download of Aces High. You won’t be disappointed.

If you look at our Homepage on the Aces High website, one of the links you will see is named “community.” You may not see it at first as you quickly browse all of the other items on that page, but eventually your eyes will return to it, you will click on it, and you will discover why community is so important to us, the staff and volunteers at HiTech Creations.

We are nothing without our community of players. We are just one of thousands of video games, played by the nameless, without our dedication to, and our respect for, our community. Without our community we are simply a combat simulator; with our community we are the best.

We understand why some people might be skeptical about a free two-week download of our popular flight sim game, Aces High, we would like to address that skepticism and tell you why, in this instance, there is nothing to be concerned about at all.

What is Aces High?

Aces High is a combat simulator game. It has been produced, consecutively, since 2000, which makes it one of the longest-running video games on the market. Also known as a flight sim game, it provides a multi-player venue for World War 2 battles featuring aircraft, ships, and ground vehicles.

Free Aces High means Free Aces High.

Many online products have a free trial period, so the fact that Aces High offers a free two-week download is nothing new in the marketing game. What is a bit different, however, is we do not ask for any credit card at the time of the download.

Why is that important to you? Surely you have experienced a similar situation. You download some online product which advertises a free trial. At the time, you are asked for personal information, including your credit card offer. You are then told that if you decide to continue with the product after the free period, your card will be charged a certain amount of money, usually the value of a year’s membership.

Which is all well and good, except that most people forget about that stipulation, and they get their credit card statement, see a charge for $30 or $60 or whatever amount was stipulated, and they are surprised/shocked/angry about it, not meaning to sign up at all.

We don’t do that. We have no way of doing that because we don’t ask for a credit card number. At the end of the two week trial period of Aces High, we ask you if you would like to become a member of our team. If you say no, we wish you well and it ends then. If you say yes, we then ask for a credit card number so we can sign you up for the period you want.

There are no surprise charges to your card. There are no misunderstandings. There is no chance of you paying for something you really don’t want.

And why do we do that?

Simply because we believe our game is so good that you will sign up to play our flight simulator after the free trial period. We have no reason to try and trick you. Our game is that good. It speaks for itself. How else do you explain the fact that Aces High has led the way in online combat flight simulator games for twenty-three years?

A final word about Aces High.

Find out for yourself. Strap on your flight helmet, take advantage of the free trial period, and fly the skies with Aces High. We are convinced that once you try our game, you won’t be able to sign up fast enough. And if we’re wrong? No harm, no foul, we will wish you well.

But we aren’t wrong!

If you go to the Aces High home page, you will see a flashing link which says “download and play for free.”

No, you are not hallucinating. No, it is not some empty promise. No, it is not some marketing ploy designed to snatch your money as quickly as possible.

It is what it is. We offer a free two-week download of Aces High, a chance to find out, at no cost, if you even like our game, before you pay money to play it.

Foolish on our part? More like confident! We are convinced that once you play our game for two weeks, you will want more. And why do you suppose we are so confident?

Taking a look at the home page of our combat simulator, Aces High, we come to the insight that it can all seem a bit overwhelming for a novice gamer. Just the vocabulary specific to playing a flight sim game can be confused; toss in all of the things to learn, all of the moves to make well, we understand. We really do.

That is why the Aces High community is always there for you, through forums, through videos, through articles and through one-on-one instruction. You are never alone when you choose to play Aces High.

Try our free two-week download and see for yourself.